Burn OUT at the Mighty Oak

PAX – Sand bag and Brown Bag – I didn't find in the system

FNG – Cliff Moler, I missed name of 2nd FNG. If anyone knows please let me know so I can add.

**First it is important to note I did actually show up for my Q today, Sorry Bam Bam about dropping the ball last week 🙁

My idea for the workout was to allow each PAX to push himself as hard as they could. Everyone is at a different level so if you were true to yourself then you pushed hard. 

Pandora – Twisted Sister Station

Warm Up

  • Started with short jog around the school to the back parking lot
  • SSH x 20
  • CP x 10
  • IST x 11

Burn Out

  • Started by partnering up, Thanks Amen for pushing me.
  • All exersizes are 3 rounds – all you got
  • Pull Ups – with spot till burn out

Grab blocks

  • 5 burpees
  • Merkins – till burn out (Bam Bam, you can stop now)
  • Block Squat – till burn out
  • Jog a lap on rub legs
  • Shoulder Press – till burn out – called an audible – 3rd round Over head Clap x 50 – for Roadie
  • Curls – till burn out
  • Blocks back

10 Merkins (oops I ment Burpees)
10 Burpess – Thanks Bunyan, Just had too….

Sit ups with partner holding feet x 30

Jogged back to cars for Mary

  • LBC x 10
  • Low Flutter x 10
  • Russian Twist x 10
  • JLo x 10 – Of Course I am going to hook up my partner 

It really was a great turn out. You monsters that got it in the last few days are awesome. I had to sneak in a break yesterday but was tempted to hit Scrappy's Q yesterday but now glad I didin't. 

Congrats to the new MQ – Gypsy @ Dragon Slayer & Tuck @ The Sword

To both FNG's – awesome having you come out. Every one of us there really hope you come back, you will not regret it and even love it.

I really want to do my first sharknado on friday but thinking it will totally kill my run time on Sat. (not that it will be good anyway). I am really looking forward to a great event.

I know this prayer is linked to AA (substance abuse), but I beleive it to be one of the most true and wise statements I have ever heard, Amen!

God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
the courage to change the things we can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

