The one without the backblast

Sometimes you wake up, and you just smell success.  Other times its pure gasoline.  Today for 9 men, it was the latter.  Here is their story:

0400 – YHC awakens to the annoying sound of his 3rd alarm, knowing there are Pax awaiting, he springs from his bed with a pure mind and full heart.

0418 – YHC actually rolls out of bed and somehow puts on underwear, shorts, two shirts and brushes my teeth in less than two minutes. 

0420 – YHC stumbles out of the garage with socks and shoes in hand hoping his ride is there.  But he is not, no, there is no one there except the roar of a 1920s chevy bull dozer, blasting up the street.  And who to YHC's wandering eyes should appear, but Tater Nutz at the wheel!

0422 – after passing out from the fumes, YHC collects himself and enters the shaggin waggin to venture off into the village of birkdale.  But first, we (as promised) go to wake Rip van winkle….he is still sleeping…so we move on.

0430ish – there are 3 mighty warriors (actually Incogs, but same same) awaiting our arrival at the villages of birkdale, Tater Nutz steps out and leads us on a winding road full of cars that dont care about our lives or futures and all we have to look at is the seizure inducing flickering of Tbones wizard of oz themed lighting apparatus.  (get a normal light tbone)

0510 ish – Tater Nutz finally brings us back (only 10 min late) to stretch.  And what does he decide to do, dynamic stretching….because we weren't warm after 4 miles of running.  Then he made us bunny hop and monkey crawl and lizard climb our way around the villages of birkdale.  Finallly we were allowed to stretch for 3 maybe four mintues.  Also, the foam rollers we were instructed to bring, were not used, little finger hates the navy, the count knows too much about little finger and therefore named him little finger, and Bagboy lost Special Sauce.

0530 – Coffee is open, topics ranged from why Tater Nutz' kids can't swim to why Swampy's boy isn't getting the support he needs at home to why BEP & I are the Bear Bryant and Adolph Rupp of I9 youth sports.  Coffee was good, discussion was better and thats how the cookie crumbles.

All that being said, its should be known that Tater Nutz has not yet registered and therefore will be called FNG-1 for purposes of this Backblast.  I would thank TNz (Tater Nutz) for Qing but he didn't really do much.  But I will, per my F3 contract thank Black Eyed Pea for giving me the opporutnity to spend 5-10 minutes taking a break from making fun of TNz on slack and twitter to make fun of him on the interwebs. 

All kidding aside, it was good times, great conversation, got a little run in, got a little stretch in and had some time for men to talk to men and maybe grow a little as husbands, fathers, freinds and such.  If you are on IR, come on out, if you just need a break from the grind of the bootcamps, come on out, and bring a new guy.  Because they are praying for it!

