Denver Friday Fun Run – Jeeves’ Homecoming

Event Date

May 04, 2018


5 men started the weekend early and with class. 

Jeeves pulls up to the AO second, ensuring that it wouldn't be a sadclown.  Then Goodwrench in Baby Blue.  Then we all heard several sonic booms from the top of the big hill and in came Abrams, red-lining his Mazda 3.

We go to start and what do we see?  Blart heading down towards us in a BEAUTIFUL vest.  We set out.  Pace was fast at first, headed to Blades, then did a Westside Covington Loop where we said goodbye to Blart as he passed his casa. 

Abrams trys to EH YHC into doing the Oak Island Marathon next year.  I asked if it was a Boston Qualifier to which he rolls his eyes and says "As If" and mumbles some obscenties about my manliness or lack thereof.  Humbled, I steer the men back towards the AO homestretch.

Abrams then decided to make it a solo run and we lost sight of him out the back of Covington back onto Blades.  It was hot and humid today.  First taste of summer running.  Good to assess hydration needs and lack of endurance. 

We finished back at the AO and commenced stretching and various 40 year old men yoga feats.  Dandelion pulls in all fresh and clean in his Beastly chariot on his way to the Wells Fargo. 

We missed Cheetah today and sent prayers up for safe travels.  Vortex, well he's on the road too but nobody mentioned his absence?  (There is talk of a new "blue" vest on the horizon – stay tuned)

Great to see Blart out there again.  Go ahead and research the Blue Ridge Relay.  You're Welcome.

We all got our Jeeves fix today too.  That was a tough route sir.  Lots of hills and that humidity didn't help.  See you next Friday.

Despite a HC from Clubber the night before, we'll have to wait until next Friday for a chance to once again ride with our security detail.