Tri This

Event Date

May 12, 2018


9 came out to "Tri" this:



2,341 IC Tony Hawks (Thanks Metro!)


10 IC Around The Worlds

Mosey to the back-Partner Up to "TRI" this:

Each round one partner does a TRIcep exercise to failure and his partner does a leg exercise.

We did 4 rounds to failure, swapping exercises each failure.

Round 1: Block Skull Crushers/Squats

Trail Run

Round 2: Diamond Merkins/Front Lunge

Trail Run

Round 3: Staggered Merkins L&R/Backward Lunge

Trail Run

Round 4: Scorpion Merkins L&R/Max Vertical Jumps

Trail Run

Mosey to the front, bottom of Big Mamma Hill

Quadsyou'llphelia Up to the halfway point, and back to AO

Repeat up to the top of the hill and back

Mary 6:

20 IC Freddies

10 IC Glute Bridge Marches L

10 IC Glute Bridge Marches R

10 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Glute Bridge Leg Extensions L

10 IC Glute Bridge Leg Extensions R

:30 Mason Twist


Failure is ok.  Seeking Shelter is OK.  Even as Men.  We all want to be tough.  But we all need shelter.  Whether that is from the harshness of the world, whether that's from our jobs, our personal life or else.  Our job is to be the shelter for others and to recognize when we ourselves need shelter.  Run to him, for he is our Tower.  I have experienced several people in my life over the past few weeks who have been quite negative.  It really saps your energy to try to be the shelter for them, when I want to be negative myself sometimes.  We have the BE THE CHANGE we want in others, in ourselves, for our community, for F3.  Whatever.  So if that means offering shelter to those in need, then that's what we have to do.  We'll be thankful when that person is in a stronger place to give YOU shelter when you faulter.


 – Always makes my Saturday to see Shredder strolling down Little Baby Hill with a smile on his face (Kind of scares me too when he is the Q)

 – Vortex posts with his colorful ankle.  Beasts all of the trail runs even though I gave a disclaimer.  #SaveVortex

 – MetroDog doesn't like vertical leaps

 – Comet tried out his standup comedy routine on YHC

 – Anvil and Cheetah just chug-along and give 100% as always

 – (I still think Shirley actually lives in the woods)

 – Dandelion was visibily weak today without Tom.  Or maybe it was the 10,438 Skull Crushers he did.

 – BE The Shelter, BE The Change, BE a HIM

 – Enjoyed leading and being led by you today gentlemen

