Sisterhood of the traveling rocks

Event Date

May 14, 2018

You ever go to a workout and quickly realize that the Q has been working on this for a long time. Hours of meticulous planning have been invested to maximize the pain (or pleasure) for the PAX? The Q has obviously poured over the internet for that perfect combination of exercises that produces perfect results every time? Yeah, this wasn't one of those. I think it took literally half the drive to the AO for me to think it up.



  • SSH IC x 15
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • IST IC x 14
  • Hillbilly IC x 11
  • Merican IC x 10
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 15


Mosey around the church and back to rock pile for a traveling rock. Mosey to parking lot in back.


The Thang(s):

Two hundreds run into a bar

  • Partner up and split 200 reps each, curls, skull crushers, military press while one partner runs to top and back carrying their rock

Around the world

  • Set 4 rocks in a large square comprising @half the parking lot
  • One partner is always doing air squats while other is in motion
  • Partner 1 bear crawl to corner 1 and air squat while partner 2 catches up
  • Merican shuffle to corner 2
  • Crab walk to corner 3
  • Merican shuffle to corner 4 (home)
  • Repeato!

I dip you dip we dip

  • Dips IC x 10, Dericans IC x 10, Dips IC x 10


Zamparini the rock back to its home and…


Mary (by committee):

  • LBC IC x 50 (strutter)
  • WWII IC-Slow-Deep-Sucky x 15 (Lear)
  • Low flutter IC x 15 (motorboat)
  • FBC IC x 15 (chicken little)



  • Lots of prayer requests (frosty, tick-tock, chicken little, fng Todd, others)
  • WD – Lear, WB – Chicken little
  • FNG1 was Todd, name-o-rama being discussed on slack in case he comes back
  • I think there is a 5k coming up, ask Rentacop for details
