We were attacked by a pit bull walking her dog. . .

Event Date

May 19, 2018


The preblast read: 

Bailey Road Park. If you don’t want rock-hard abs and Schwarzenegger arms, stay at home Saturday, girly man! Otherwise, show up for abominable abdominals, five-alarm arms, and more-so torso. 06:50-pray for leniency 07:00-get the punishment you deserve.

So it looks like we know who the girly men are (cough-cough-Mighty-Jungle-cough-cough-fartsackers). Having said that, the two who did show hadn't read the preblast, so maybe that's the secret to Saturday success.

Boar Hog was early as usual to give canine Hurley a head start. Kachow did 1.5 miles on the journey in, which gave away how close he was to the AO, prompting YHC to EH him into future appearances. Maybe even a Q in a couple of weeks!

Three makes a party, so I dropped a beat and spun the vinyl. Some combination of these exercises were performed (in ridiculous repetitions):

  • MOSEY twice around the field
  • Goose-Steps
  • Girl Fights
  • Bear Squats
  • Spider Man Merkins
  • High Wall Climbers
  • Side Wall Planks
  • Lean-In
  • Overhead Bar Triceps Extension
  • Down Under (Low Aussie Pull-ups)
  • ROCK
  • Armageddon/Abomidable Abdominals (curls, presses, skull crushers, heals to heaven, jacknife, WW2 in sequence around the track)
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • Card Table Plank
  • Folding Card Table
  • Swiper Card Table
  • Overhead Bar Triceps Extension Repeato
  • Down Under (Low Aussie Pull-ups) Repeato
  • MOSEY round the field
  • Little Baby Flutter Crunch
  • Breakdancer Plank
  • Oblique V-Up
  • Fruit Roll-Ups
  • Superman Pulse
  • Rocking Horse
  • Superman Plank
  • Upside down plank
  • Upward Dog


We were alone at the track and Boar Hog had Hurley (no relation to YHC) off-leash. A woman surprised us as she came around the corner of the track yelling at us about the free-running dog (let's just say she didn't ask nicely). She had a pit bull on a leash, and even though no dogs are allowed on the track, that didn't stop her from continuing to rudely lecture Boar Hog even after he leashed-up Hurley. After every sentence she dropped an "Amen!" as if that somehow made her statements righteous.

When she first started up, I cautioned Boar Hog not to engage, but it turns out that I was the one who needed to be put on the leash. As so, as usual, I had the RIGHT to remain silent; I just didn't have the ABILITY.

Kachow wisely turned the other cheek (although admitting that it was tough) and reminded us in the COT that this woman is someone to be prayed for, not despised. Maybe she had some difficult experiences or some insurmountable challenges in her life. Maybe she never had appropriate role models to serve as an example. And so the lesson of the day is to consider the worst actions of others in the context of the bigger picture and don't allow petty behavior to bring out the same in you. Thank you, Kachow! That's enough food for thought to sustain me at least until you Q on June 2!