Tea and Crumpets

Event Date

May 19, 2018

Five men, three in hats, came out to celebrate the royal wedding with team and crumpets, F3 style. Like any good wedding, we laughed and we cried. 
Dynamic stretching platter 
The Thang
Mosey 1/3 mile to a corner. In honor of the royal wedding and in an attempt to place a proverbial tea bag onto the Pax, it’s the Ricky Bobby 400. Groans of sheer delight ensued
-10 Burpees
-20 Jump squats
-20 Mercans 
-20 Freddie Mercuries
-20 Mountain climbers
-10 Burpees
Indian Run all the way around the block, with a sprint option for the last block length We did this four times. 
No time for Mary due some having to leave early for a bagel run 
-Teabag. WTF?
-It’s a big day for the silly hat industry, with both a horse race and a royal wedding.
-Question: “Can I do all 20 burpees at once?”. Response: “Can you?”
-That humor is oh so very dry but effective Double. Funniest thing heard all week 
-Donning of the red baseball cap earned the moniker of Scooter for today’s workout. We are gonna have a catch later 
-A Catholic Sadducee got invited to bible study 
-Either Oktoberfest subscribes to People magazine or he recently visited the beauty parlor since he had way too much inside info on the royal wedding back story 
-While gluten intolerance Is all the rage, there may be another diagnosis of being allergic to IPA’s. Recommendation is to go and see a doctor about it. Or perhaps try growing a sack 
-Did’ya ever hear the story of the 55 year old diabetic who lost his ring toe as a 6 year old youth during a game of chase in rural Charlotte? Unfortunately the doctors were unable to reattach the digit. On account of said digit having already been fed to the neighborhood cats. #truestory
-Double gave no quarter by not allowing any passes on the third Indian run lap
-Didn’t the Indians ever walk?
-The Quarry Hood (Riverbend) really knows how to rock
-We witnessed the first playing of the “age card” today. Better get used to it
-Some use discretion when traveling. Are you sure that the movie titles won't show up on the hotel bill?
-Prayers to The Germantor’s (Niko’s) wife who in undergoing some medical tests
-Now that was really fun. Great work men!