We Have A Website?

Mighty OakAlthough I have been to Grand Oak many times for a workout, it’s been awhile since I had been to MightyOak. YHC arrived earlier than usual thinking I would have time to scout out a few places for key exercises but found several cars already in the lot at 0520. Crimson was stretching so I opted to join him to work out a few of my own kinks instead.

At 0530 we moseyed around to the outer corner of the parking lot and proceeded with some buttkickers, high knees and karaoke before circling up near the back corner of the school. There I gave a disclaimer and mentioned that the theme for today’s workout would be website trivia. I would periodically ask a question about our website. If the pax collectively got it right — all good. If wrong, we would do a burpee before each set of reps going forward. Additional wrong answers would add to the penalty.

It seems I was “walkered” by JollyRoger who inferred he might join us today. Burner also heeded the PB warning by staying away. All good as only the 20 most knowledgable showed up and together, only one answer was unknown (disclaimer: you weren’t supposed to know that one). Roadie abstained from many questions which left Ramrod as the teacher’s pet (or in this case, students’ pet) this muggy morning.

Editor’s note: it’s a good thing I didn’t think to ask if everyone in attendance was registered on the website. Otherwise Fanny Pack and Royale would have cost their peers 2 additional burpees per exercise. At least now both should have no problem knowing how to register — you did learn the secret word, right?

Announcements (for the TL;DR hipsters)

  • Operation Headlock (6/11): bring FNGs/Kotters out to a workout
  • Hangover: new workout at LFC on Fridays at 0630 (MQ: Bam-bam)
  • Mortimer Roast: Friday 7PM at Wynfield Forest (Wilderness AO)
  • Convergence Murph at Arnie’s Memorial Day 7AM
  • Order your Mighty Oak F3 jerseys on Mudgear (link may change once pre-orders are live)


  • SSH x25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x12 IC
  • Gorilla Humpers x12 IC (monkey humpers with feet wide)
  • Merkins x15 IC

Main Event

Mosey to bus lot. Line up under walkway facing school for absolutions (aka Ab Solution) which are an 8-count exercise starting in plank position, doing a groiner (knees to chest), back to plank, maktar jiaye (sp?) to elbows, plank jack, back up to regular plank. We did x10 IC

Next we each grabbed a block (some chose monster blocks so we did not rotate). We started with over head press (x15 IC) and then ran to the playground where we did Mahammad Alis on the high edge (x25 IC). Run back to the blocks for some skull crushers (x12 IC). About this time the pax incorrectly guessed that we used WordPress for our website. All other regions use WP but we are better than that insecure stuff. We use Drupal. I think it was Kosar that asked how we were supposed to know that. You weren’t. Now do your burpee.

The next sequence went a little better: burpee — low curls (x10 IC) — burpee — high curls (x10 IC) — burpee — full curls (x11 IC).

I think we may have run back the playground (staying in the lot this time), then lunge walked down to the bus entrance. I was reminded to do the penalty burpee (a reminder I would need several times because YHC hates burpees), then we lined up beside crosswalk where everyone assumed the Al Gore position and duck walked slowly to one end as men at that end plank walked along crosswalk, stopping at each white stripe for a merkin. At the far end, return to Al Gore and duck walk back to start.

Following a sprint back to the playground, we moved to the picnic tables for some dips (x12 IC) and incline merkins (x12 IC). Then it was back to blocks for lawn mowers (x10 IC each side) both preceded by a burpee. Toys were returned and we moseyed back to the parking lot for Mary.

Grand Finale

With Mary, YHC decided to attempt a non-stop burpee medley. I’m not as fit as I’d like yet, but more or less we kept the heart rate up with the following:

  • Burpee
  • Low Flutter x25 IC
  • Burpee
  • J-Lo x10 IC
  • Burpee
  • Freddie Mercury x10 IC
  • Burpee
  • Elbow Plank for about 90 seconds

Recover, recover.

The Home Edition

I had brought 20 questions. I got around to asking 12 of them. Only 1 was answered wrong. Pretty impressive. Here are the questions and answers for those playing at home (starting with the ones NOT asked this morning):

Q: What is the minimum requirement for a backblast?
A: AO, Date, Q, Pax

Q: Can you get contact info for the pax on the site?
A: Yes (Pax Lookup in user menu)

Q: What do you need to do when there’s a change to AO, MQ, etc?
A: Add/update workout form in user menu

Q: Who is authorized to write a pre-blast/back-blast?
A: Any registered user

Q: How long has the f3lkn site been active?
A: 3 years

Q: What is the official means of communication in F3?
A: Twitter

Q: What 2 terms are required in a proper preblast?
A: @f3lkn & #pb

Q: How will the MQ know if you sign up to Q on calendar?
A: an automatic email is sent

Q: Who in f3lkn coined the phrase, “We have a website?”
A: Burner

Q: What was the original name of our regional site?
A: f3isotope.com

Q: Name two ways you can see the workouts we offer
A: map, calendar

Q: Who is the current comz?
A: Roadie

Q: How many registered users do we currently have?
A: 717

Q: What software do we use to run f3lkn.com?

Q: What event is featured as the pic on the main page?
A: Christina Latini Memorial (OST) 8k

Q: Name 6 (of 7) towns LKN covers.
A: Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, Denver, Mountain Island, Lincolnton

Q: Which page do you go to to request access to Slack?
A: Contacts

Q: What is secret password an FNG needs to register?
A: Duh, if I posted it, it wouldn’t be secret. And if you post it in the comments, I’ll be forced to change it.

Q: Name one of the top 3 leaders in 2018 workout attendance.
A: Skipper (Denver), Titan (Huntersville/Cornelius), Clark (Denver)

Q: How can you get directions to a workout on the website?
A: Click on address in either map or calendar

Q: Does the current F3LKN website have its own lexicon?
A: Yes

Muggy Moleskin

  • Great group of guys this morning; many of whom I don’t typically see. Just one more reason I encourage you to change up your AOs now and then. There are 717 men who have been to at least two F3 LKN workouts. How many do you know?
  • Welcome back Kotter. I mean, Schneider. Hopefully there were no flashbacks to that ill-fated day at Mighty Jungle while we were doing Muhammad Alis.
  • I congratulated RamRod for his recent patch in the Heavy006. Did I forget to thank anyone else that completed that admirable CSAUP event? If I did not, let me give you virtual kudos here. While not something I want to do, I have total respect for the guys who do — it looks difficult. I’m sure it’s moreso in person.
  • Glad to see Amen join us today. I know there are many great workouts (and bad car batteries) out there. Happy to see you picked mine.
  • If you will be in the greater Myrtle Beach area the week of June 9-16, you may have two opportunities for a LKN Q! I have the Q at Blackbeard’s Revenge (how awesome is that?) in Murrells Inlet on the 14th and Roadie has the Q on the same day at Timeshare. LKN invades the coast!