U R Bikini Season Ready

Finally….Travolta has come back to Hollywood!  Now that we are officially in bikini season it was good to take one more dive into the deep end and fine tune our bodies.  And here's how we did it:


Mosey to the movie theater parking lot by means of slow mosey, kareeoka, quadra-feel-ya.

At the circle, "any FNG's…short pause…No FNG's, let's go"

50 SSH

20 IST

10 Blast Off 'Mericans

Mosey to the parking lot across from Clean Juice for…


…but wait a car load of "customers" for Hippie just pulled up waving cash and asking if anyone had their supply????

As we move into conditioning mode, we must first partner up.  Just like in gym class, circa 1988 Travolta is the odd man out.  Have no fear, Omega and Riverboat graciously accepted me to the 5'9'' tan body, dark hair triumverant of fitness!  Let's begin:

First Exercise:  Squats; partner goal = 200

1 parnter completing exercise, 2 partner running to end of the parking lot and back.  flap-jack

Perhaps some went low enough, but to ensure proper form and therefore proper bikini season readiness, we must…

2nd Exercise:  Low Squat (hold low squat, pulse halfway up), partner goal = 150

Still not low enough?  How will we squeeze into our Memorial Day speedo's if our glutes are not firm?

3rd Exercise:  Squat Thrust, partner goal = 100

Now that's what I'm talking about.  Glutes ready for the pool?  CHECK 

BUTT (see what i did there) we can't forget about our upper body…

4rth Exercise:  'Merican, partner goal = 75

Nice, pecks and triceps ready to carry our wive's purses (eh-hem, i mean our beer coolers) to the party.  Now we are ready for some Beer this weekend…oh no that will make us…

5th Exercise:  Burpees, partner goal = 50

Few, that was tough.  We have to be ready for the weekend…let's 

6th Exercise:  Blast Off 'Merican, partner goal = 25

Nice work men, we may now Native American run back to the launch pad for some


The Moleskin

1. As most can attest, it's been a long time since I've backblasted and it sure does feel good.

2. Always such a pleasure to see everyone busting their hump and putting in the work to exercise Mindy and Body!

3. Great job to all…now go and enjoy your beer and their bikini's…er wait is it their beer and your bikini???