Sound off video is on the FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/f3denvernc/

On a rainy Saturday, the 2.0's poured in along with a good turn out of Mustangers.  For a total count today of 19!  Solid!!

Some 2.0's are not registered on the site, but to give them credit for being present:
Knobby 2.0
Jellybean 2.0
Hambone 2.0

Two FNG's (Friendly New Guys) today.  One is Lawson, a 2.0 neighbor of C# and Soldier.  One of the most well mannered kids you will find.  He is fast too, and put up a good race today against many of us.  He loves Clemson, and likes golf.  We considered "Outlaw", but that was taken, so to reference golf (Tiger Woods) and Clemson (Tigers), we almost named him Tiger, then someone yelled out "Tigger" and that stuck.  So welcome Tigger!

Our Second FNG is Jimmy McKay.  He is going to fit right in, and hung with us today with no problems.  We were glad to have you.  He also says he will come to the Memorial Day Murph (Rescue Park at 7am), so you can meet him there!  So being that he is a nurse, nicknames were all over the place.  The name Jimmy, triggered a thought of "Jimmy Dean" in a couple of our minds and a couple PAX(people) came up with "Sausage".  Being a male in a field that is out numbered by women, other references were also made to sausage.  Luckily there were 2.0's there today and that didn't get out of hand.  So "Sausage" lead to "Sausage Patty", which then was quickly shortened  to "Patty".  Welcome aboard Patty!

Warm up:
Follow the leader parking lot mosey, winding up at corner of parking lot near tennis courts.  Circle Up!

  • 20 IC SSH
  • 10 IC Mountain Climbers
  • 10 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 10 IC Windmills

The Thang:
One lap around the outside of the tennis courts
Upon return to tables and bleachers area:

  • 10 IC Dips
  • 20 OYO Step Ups
  • 10 IC Decline Merkins

Take another lap

  • 10 IC LBC
  • 10 IC Trailer Park Merkins
  • 10 IC Crab Cakes

Mosey along top of parking lot to the long wall on the way to the buses, find space on the wall

  • 10 OYO Donkey Kicks/Dwight Howard combo – Plank with feet facing wall, kick feet up on the wall, then back down.  Stand up, turn around, jump high as you can to slap the wall. turn around and back to plank, repeat.  These are for Sonar.
  • Wall of Fire – PAX do people’s chair and take turns doing 10 Merkins (split into two groups due to high numbers)

Mosey to the small walls at bus area

  • Walls of Jericho – 7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 laps (around small garden area), plank for the 6 each round.
    • LBC
    • Box Cutters
    • Dippy birds L leg
    • Dippy birds R leg
    • Curb decline merkins
    • Dying Cockroach
    • Mtn Climbers

Mosey around school to the back and to see if Sunflowers have come up in the thorns (they did not).

  • 10 IC Slow up Squats – start in squat position, 1,2,3 count slow up, 4 drop fast.  – Struggling like a flower growing up through the weeds…

Continue down to lower practice field.

  • Partner carry 50 yards, switch and repeat
  • Partner drag 50 yards, switch and repeat.
  • Partner resistance 50 yards, switch and repeat.

Mosey over to blocks/rocks, grab one and circle up.

  • 10 OYO block drags (plank position dragging block back and forth)
  • 10 IC Trifecta with block
  • 10 IC Curls
  • 10 IC rows R arm
  • 10 IC rows L arm (return blocks)

Mosey up to front practice field

  • Fire Drill w/ Tire Flip variation – PAX in a circle, chopping feet or high knees. Each PAX calls out "Fire" all PAX hits the ground rolls right, merkin, roll back left, another merkin, then back up chopping. Go around the circle with the "stop, drop and roll" until all PAX have called "Fire".  When it is your turn to call “fire” you run to the middle flip the tire and run back instead of stop drop and roll.

We through in a round of 10 IC Austrailian pull ups and then headed back to the launch pad.  Where an impromptu sprint race happened, as some of the 2.0's and adults wanted to see who had wheels.  I could not tell you the results (I was in the back).

10 IC Starfish Crunch – The PAX lay spread eagle on their backs, feet just above ground. On count of 1, the PAX crunch at the core bringing the left leg and right arm together, On 2, return to start. On 3, crunch bringing the right leg and left arm together, on 4, return to start.
10 IC Box Cutters


I have two questions for you.  Answer in your head, not aloud.  I’m not trying to put anyone on the spot, just provoke thought.

Does God love you?…  I’ll go ahead and tell you we all should be saying yes to that!  Now question #2…

Does God like you?… 

The typical thoughts are that God does love us, but we aren’t so sure He likes us, (mainly because we are sinners).

We tend to have this attitude toward others because we think this is God’s attitude toward us. We love others because we are told to, and are expected to, but do we like everybody?  No.  Matter of a fact often times we get on each other’s nerves and actually like very few people. 

We think God loves us but doesn’t really like us. At least, He doesn’t like us the way we are now. He likes some future version of us where we have cleaned up our lives, gotten rid of sin, read our Bibles and pray more faithfully, and witnesses regularly to our friends and neighbors. That future person is the one God wants to be friends with and hang out with; not the “broken” and sinful person we are now.

The truth is:

God wants to be on a first-name basis with you. He wants to be the one you think of calling when things are going great, and the one you call when things are going bad.  God likes you so much, He wants to even hang out with you when you are weeding your garden, filling your car with gas, and running errands.  And best of all, God likes you just as you are. He doesn’t want to be friends with some “better and improved” version of you. He wants to be friends with you … as you are right now.

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."

We should be so grateful and thankful that God adores us like that, and that he not only loves us, but even likes us. 


  • For me the absolute best comment of the day was when Miranda went in for his turn to flip the tire, his 2.0 "Knobby" yells out, "Dad, you need some help?"… I'm sure it was because he wanted to help his dad, not because he had any doubt that his dad could do it!
  • Was one of the best workouts in a while, where we just plain ole got SOAKED, rolled in the grass, and just did our thing and made the best of it.  Gripping began early about coffeteria and how wet/dirty we all were.  Hey I can't control the weather!  But it has been a while since we had that kind of workout and I kinda missed it.
  • Really glad to have Patty join us!  Looking forward to continue seeing you out there brother!
  • Not sure who opened the 2.0 gate, but attendance was great, and I love having them participate with us.
  • I know there was a lot more chatter with 19 PAX out there, so feel free to chime in with anything good/funny I missed.