The smelling salts were not necessary

The Force also did the Standard. Alone. He was a sad clown for 30 minutes until the Pax showed up. Sorry The Force!


Jog around school


Sleeping Hillbillies (so Titan and The Force could romanticize)

Toy Soldiers

Arm circles

The Key Ingredients:

6 sets of the following 7 exercises:

KB squat press / pushups / KB Bob and weave / Jump Squats / KB swings / Burpees / KB Row 

20 reps of each exercises in first set. Drop by 2 reps each set, so 18 of each exercise in 2nd set, all the way down to 10 reps in final set.

In the middle of a set of KB Rows, 3 Happy clowns- Fenway, Curd, and Dallas- flew by. Upon seeing the KBs they quickly turned and ran in the direction they came from. They were running fast, I'll give them that. As a side note, YHC is a yuuuge fan of the fly by. Great to see you guys, thanks for saying hi.

We finished with something about Mary, which starred J-Lo (for Amen). That sentence would be super confusing to a FNG.

Gentlemen, thanks for joining me on this endeavor this morning. It was not easy. The KBs always put up a good fight. As do the burpees. Hope you walked away feeling like you got your moneys worth. If not, come to my next Q and I'll make it up to you.

Today was the first time I've ever worked out next to Toxic for the entire length of the workout. Wow. Impressive. 

Amen came to work today boy. Clear eyes, full heart. Great job, I see you. 

The Force and Titan were in full blown mumblechatter mode, with the Q, eachother, anyone who would listen. Always more fun when the mumblers chatter.

Omar posted today after FSing for Odyssey at 5:10. This guy refused to let an FS hold him back.

And finally Ultraman who posted for the 4th time this week on ONE leg! Tclaps.. I think