Bed time stories

Event Date

May 31, 2018


Little Finger and I rolled in at the 2 minute warning. Jimmy O showed immediate relief to know he wasn’t alone.  I had a plan. Not a good one, but it was a plan.  We grabbed our rucks (not ducks spell check!) and bells then marched off into the shadows of darkness. Next stop, the elementary school track. The stage was set for tryouts.  Here’s how it went down. 


Toy soldiers, wind mills, carrot pullers, mountain climbers, calf stretches, runner’s stretch.


5 rounds

Ruck Squats x10 IC

Ruck ’Mericans x10 IC 

Ruck OH Press x10 IC

V UPS with Ruck x10 OYO

One arm OH ruck squats x5 IC each arm

400m run

Ruck back the parking lot; timed it perfectly.  Mary was disappointed  


1. Names are posted.  We all made the squad.

2.  This is a great AO!  Perfect for adult recess.  So many options exist.  Thanks Tweetsie for your leadership at The Varsity!

3.  Prayers up for Little Finger’s co-worker, Laura’s mom, as she finds strength and courage to fend off cancer.  Same for my co-worker, Adam.


The Count