Don’t Wait for the Hearse to Take You to Church

Event Date

Jun 01, 2018


On Wednesday, I sent Jedi a message asking if the Q was responsible for the workout only or the 3rdF topic as well. He said either was an option to which I offered to do both. I then spent the next couple of days trying to come up with a topic. While workout ideas are getting easier, coming up with an interesting topic to discuss within 30-45 minutes is still difficult for me. On Thursday afternoon, I came across an article on Art of Manliness about why church attendance was important and decided to run with it. Literally.

0410: Oh Emmaus, why must you be so early?
0433: There’s a slight chill this morning. Feels nice out here.
0434: Nope, humidity still high. Gonna be another sweat fest.
0443: Only one at Starbucks. Maybe the workout begins at 0500?
0445: Jedi ready and Blackberry pulls into parking space on two wheels. Let’s mosey.


Since I was planning to discuss church attendance, it seemed only fitting that we “go to church” for the morning workout so we moseyed about 3/4 mile to the church on the corner of Sam Furr and Catawba. There we circled up (or triangled up per Blackberry) and proceeded with the warm up.

  • SSH x30 IC
  • Slow Windmill x10 IC
  • Merkins x15 IC
  • Downward Dog with stretching of both calves

Next up was a modified Dora with one person running about 200 yards while another was doing AMRAP Carolina Dry Docks and the third was doing Sumo Squats (squat down, touch ground with hands, come up with one leg raised to side; repeat with other leg). We rotated through each station until we completed a combined 100 Sumo Squats.

Then we lunge walked the length of the parking lot (about 50 yards) before doing some Muhammad Alis on the curb followed by Little Birdies (stand on edge of curb and dip one leg to road, touching heel without putting weight on it) x10 SC with each leg. From there we moseyed around the office building to a low wall where we did a medley of Incline Merkins, Dips and Decline Merkins. We started with 10 inclines, then 8 dips, 6 declines, 4 inclines and 2 dips (where we tried to take our collective rear ends all the way to the ground).

We moseyed in the general direction of the starting point but stopped at the entrance to the apartments along Sam Furr for some Gorilla Humpers (monkey humpers with legs spread out Windmill style) x15 IC. Then we moseyed to the entrance to Birkdale. After a short walk, we sprinted to Victoria’s Secret where we did the Wonderbra (PC with an arm press that pushes out and up) x15 IC followed by a mosey back to Starbucks. This left just enough time for some broga made up of Downward Dog and Pigeon Stance for both legs.


Back at Starbucks, we met up with Nacho Libre where we watched Jedi struggle with his password for several minutes before opting to walk in and order his coffee in person. Following an opening prayer, we read a few verses about gathering in community to break bread, teach, sing psalms and pray. I made the argument that like F3, church is about community coming together to sharpen iron and hold each other accountable. Church attendance may not be mandatory for all faiths, but it is a good discipline to shoot for and is supported in Scripture. Jesus did not become man and lead a solitary mission to establish Christianity. Although He did at times spend time alone, He always came back to commune with His apostles. The apostles did receive orders to go out in pairs to spread the Good News, but then returned to meet with the believers to share in the Word. Our goal should be to include time in church as a means of being present for those around us, even if we don’t feel it adds to our own personal faith life.

Hebrews 10:24-25: …and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Colossians 3:16: Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Acts 2:42: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


  • Jedi wanted confirmation that the workout was not going to be all running as we were ascending the hill along Sam Furr. I tried to convince him between deep gasps for air.
  • The modified Dora seemed like a good idea until I remembered that keeping track of counts meant less mumblechatter. So we just sweated in silence for most of that part. #cobains
  • Blackberry suggested we go the long way around the office building to get to the next station. I accused him of being brainwashed by GoRuck to #ETS
  • T-Claps to both men for completing Heavy006. Major accomplishment. Much respect.
  • Speaking of GoRuck, Blackberry suggested I join guys for any part of an upcoming HTL in Charlotte. Unfortunately he lost me at “H”. /wink
  • Thanks to Jedi for EHing me to return for a Q at Emmaus. I despise the early alarm, but get a lot from sharing in all three Fs before the sun is up.
  • Race to Zero 5k tomorrow morning. Hopefully I see some of you there — at least until the pace picks up and I watch you pull away. Maybe Olive will be kind and hang back with me at the six.