I’m a Lover Not a Fighter

Event Date

Jun 02, 2018

Think "Dancing with the Stars", but with stinky, unattractive, sweaty men…

Warmorama: High Knees, ButtKicks, Karaoke, SSH x 25, TS x 10, Windmill x 10, IST x 10

The "Square" Dance:

4 stations in each corner of the parking lot, start with 10 of the exercise, run to the next corner, ladder down the number at each corner.

  • Mericans
  • Squats

The Interlude:

The boxing pads came out for this one-minute per partner interlude.

  • Jab-Cross combo

The Reprise:

Back to the square dance around the parking lot

  • LBCs
  • Carolina Dry Dock

The Finale:

Back to the boxing pads with the next round

  • Jab-Cross-Block combo

Mary: Mason Twist, Shoulder tap Plank, Can opener, Box Cutter

The Moleskine:

  • In 1982, track 3 "The Girl is Mine" was release from the Thriller album. It featured a duet with Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney. The two singer were lyrically jousting over who was the better match for this unnamed mate.  During a recitative break in the song, Michael states "I'm a lover not a fighter…"  This phrase seemed to be fitting with our alternating sqare dance and boxing.
  • The second round of boxing featured "love taps" from the partner with the mitts.  Just block.  Don't try to get that extra hit as the love taps may have extra love.
  • The Swamp Thing emerged from the swamp!  Welcome back!
  • Always an honor to lead fine men.  Until next time.