Choose your path

Event Date

Jun 04, 2018

12 men got to enjoy a rare Mustang Monday Runday led by yours truly.



SSH (IC) x 20

Windmills (IC) x 10

Dippy Birds (IC) x 10 each side

Toy Soldiers (IC) 10 each side


Warmup parking lot lap



1 minute run at your own pace—-after each run meet back at launchpad (don’t be late was advised), followed by 1 minute AMRAP Burpees

2 minute run/ 2 minutes AMRAP Burpees

3 minute run/ 1 minute AMRAMP WWI’s

4 minute run/ 2 minutes AMRAP WWI's

5 minute run/ 1 minute AMRAP "Clurpees"

6 minute run




Proverbs 12:24

"Diligent hands will rise, but laziness ends in forced labor."

Hard work works!  The diligent end up on top, and the lazy end up at the bottom.  This is true in both business and life.  Diligence does not requireability, intelligence, education, or skill.  It only requires focused attention, maximum effort, and patient persistence.  In a generation where most can be lazy and impatient, a Christian can rise faster and further than ever.



Name-a rama

Prayer Out



-It's funny how this F3 thing works, and how a brother that is not even there can motivate and inspire you.  Had it not been for brother Sonar's handoff of the Q, YHC more than likely would have fartsacked after the weekend he had and the PAX would have missed out on an obvious crowd pleaser.

-Not sure if the PAX picked up on the exercise not being a burpee when the time hack was achieved and all PAX were back in time.

-Plenty-o-kotters out and about this AM.  So good to have them back out, though we did miss one that HC'd on Saturday.  Hope to see you out sooner than later.

-One of the PAX pulled out a safety whistle early in the workout, but was not used so all were safe.

-Clark had a great idea that the Q took him up on, thus the Clurpee was born.  Start on your six giving you the comfort that you will NOT be doing a burpee, then commence to doing burpees.  Thanks Clark, the PAX clearly appreciated this input.

-Apparent in the Stava detail, many paths were taken and mileage logged but all started and finished together. 

-Lots of rabbits out there to chase, so hopefully you chose wisely and challenged yourself.

-There are two Silver alerts in the Denver area for Backblasts from the weekend.  Chime in if you have any information leading to the whereabouts.

-Chatter about a possible VQ at SchoolBellz this Friday so stay tuned and be sure not to miss!

-Prayers up for Stitches and family, as he takes off soon for his yearly military duty.  Thanks for your service brother.

-CSAUP opportunity this Saturday at SVU.  Triathalon event starting at 0600.  3/8 mile open lake swim, 10 mile bike ride, followed by an hour long beatdown.  Reach out to our brothers up north for more details.


Such a pleasure to lead, and be lead by all of you.


