9 Yankees at VidaVida (unknown # at Vida)

It's lunch time in uptown on a Tuesday and a man's gotta eat.  You know what that means.  The often imatated never duplicated Original Taco Tuesday.

The story for Today's adventure goes like this: 

Atmosphere – A/C was on, tables were clean, and the company was top notch.  Score: 9.3

Service – Accurate, speedy, and on top of it.  It helps when everyone orders the same thing.  Proof that one server covering a large number of tables is not an excuse!  I'm looking at you The Local. Score: 8.9

Food – Lots of Philly Chesse and Buffalo Chicken tacos consumed today. (That's called "The Yankee" on the menu). Very few complaints.  The queso on the Philly taco is a real show stopper.  A great ingredient choice by the chef.  All in all, these are above average tacos, but you're going to pay the going rate for such things.  $10-15 should get you satisfied until dinner time rolls around.  Score: 8.4

Welcome to LKN's original Taco Tuesday Wegmans (from The Fort).  Glad you could join us, and hope you didn't leave too offended by the coversation. See you again soon.

Sweet C and Turncoat posted up on window seats and proceded to do what they do best.   Crush some tacos. 

Roadie looked to enjoy his tacos today.  We got a chance to talk website, and running AOs.   If I remember correctly, he HCd for HalfLife tommorow.  Back me up Omar.  I'm sure Mighty Oak will be in good hands for one week.

Speaking of Omar, great to have him back out to Taco Tuesday.  Clear that calendar and make it a regular occasion.  #Priorities  Oh, and you've got the backblast duty next week.  It would behoove you to show up.

Moby "Mr Moneybags" Dick went with the $6 Gator Taco (Taco of the Month).  Said it tasted like chicken + a bunch of other stuff.  The rest of the table was smart/dumb enough to ask the price before ordering it.  I feel like we might have missed out.

Hoodie made a late-ish appearance, but due to some quick work in the kitchen, hardly missed a beat when it came to being served.  That doesn't happen everywhere.  I'm looking at you The Local!  Great to have TacoTuesday FNG Hoodie with us today.  I have a feeling he will be back.

Glad to see Magnus headlocked a couple pax from BoA, but then he himself no-showed.  Hope to see you back out there soon.

Clubber was also there. It's a shame no other Denver pax will ever join him.  I wonder what that says about him,  or may what that says about Denver pax.

Insert Shameless Plug – FNG/Kotter Week aka Operation Headlock 2018 is in full swing next week, June 11-15.  Taco Tuesday counts.  #F3Counts.  This article popped up while I was in the process of writting this #bb, https://www.endurancemag.com/2018/06/training-for-the-ultimate-battle-why-f3-is-more-than-just-fitness/, its worth the read. 

Please submit your Taco Scores below.