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Event Date

Jun 06, 2018


We mosey to DUMC parking lotWarm O Rama:WindmillPlankPost runnerSeal Clap Jumping Jack The Thang:Pick your sandbag weight no more than 40lbs:5 Burpee Sandbag Run to 1st light pole15 Prisoner Jump SquatRun back10 Burpee Sandbag Run to 1st light pole10 Prisoner Jump SquatRun back15 Burpee Sandbag Run to 1st light pole5 Prisoner Jump SquatRun backGrab two small bricks:5 Brick Man Maker run to 2nd light pole15 Mtn ClimberRun back10 Brick Man Maker run to 2nd light pole10 Mtn ClimberRun back15 Brick Man Maker run to 2nd light pole5 Mtn ClimberRun backBack to Sandbags:15 Full Curlrun to 3rd light pole5 CCDRun back10 Full Curlrun to 3rd light pole10 CCDRun back5 Full Curlrun to 3rd light pole15 CCDRun back15 Merkin Peter ParkerRun to trash can 5 Big FlutterRun back10 Merkin Peter ParkerRun to trash can 10 Big FlutterRun back5 Merkin Peter ParkerRun to trash can 15 Big FlutterRun backReturn all coupons and head back to Village Green Mary: All ICDownward Dog Position10 Touch them Toes Two rounds of Home to Marge 25 Low Flutter10 Touch them heel Two rounds of Home to Marge20 LBC15 Low Dolly 15 Indian Sit Up (WWII style)MOLESKINE:Duvall rushing down the hill screaming for Cheaters! I’m not sure what he meanDuvall, Holiday, Bagboy, Special Sauce and Davidson crew Thank you for the opportunity to Q at TPR. Sorry Bagboy about the running. Gotta make first lady happy. Right Sauce?Bijoux is a beast and fast.PDiddy, Spackler, Holiday strong work this morning. Sauce and YHC got too close during CCD. Is it Clummy? Not on list including JumpJumperUntil next time.BTW, I’m looking for someone to step up July Q at Fission AO 131 Main parking lot.