I know this is late, but at least it is in the same week which is good for me.
Want to put a shout out to Archie who was a PAX in town from TN working. I think he hit a few workouts and that is awesome.
So this backblast sucks because I didn't show up to the workout with any specific plan, Kinda Freestyled it. Much like when Bernie (Kosar) was drawing plays in the dirt.
Warm Up
- CP
- TS
We then hunted for the blocks and found them by the dumpster. Always fun grabbing those in the dark. I am sure a few rats have camped out in them. We then relocated to the wall at the bottom of the hill.
- Balls to the wall for awhile
- Curls
- Shoulder press
- More Balls to the wall
- decline push ups
- block squat
- peoples chair with air press
- more curls
- lunges
- dips on block on curb
- more poepls chair, the Al Gore
- kettle bell swing,
- decline push ups
- curls
- balls to the wall
- blocks back
ok so that is not the correct order but you can tell is was a make your muscles sore work out. it lasted about 25-30 min with one 5 sec count and one 10 sec count
- 10 pull ups
- 10 squats
- repeato
- tripeato
Each man got to pick his pain
Thank You Travolta for letting me run the show for a day, I hope you all were sore the next day.
Shout out to Ultraman for showing up again and again even when you are way less then 100% – Really Great
Amen – how many posters of JLo do you have? That women is killing me LOL