“Swanky” Tacos at RuRu’s

Event Date

Jun 12, 2018

For this week's edition of uptown #TacoTuesday, the pax ventured outside the I-277 perimeter to a new establishment (at least to them), RuRu's Tacos + Tequila.

RuRu's (or just "the Ru," per their website) is self-described as "The Hot Place for Swanky Tacos & Tequila."  RuRu's has been on the pax's long list of taco joints to hit thanks in part to their advertised $2 Taco Tuesday deal, which applies only to "select" tacos.  It was unclear to YHC before today's visit which tacos were the "select" tacos, but YHC now understands them to be the tacos that the Ru has selected to be discounted on that particular Taco Tuesday.

Today, the $2 "select" tacos were the "pork carnitas" taco (aka, the "It Was the Dukes" – Trading Places reference) and the "fried oyster" taco (not listed on the regular menu).

YHC rolled into RuRu's after having picked up Clubber, Wegmans (F3 Fort Mill), and Ramrod in YHC's 3-hubcap Prius.  We were unsure whether any other pax would show, as regulars SweetC and Roadie were out this week, and no other HCs had been given as of YHC's departure from the office.  However, upon pulling into the parking lot, the pax spotted an F3 sticker on another car in the lot.  We entered RuRu's from the back porch to find none other than PRoD's own Fresh Prince at a 6-top, ready to chow down on some tacos.  Nice!

Atmosphere in the Ru was good to very good.  Had it been a bit less wet, the pax might have considered a table on the porch.  Service was good, although the debacle at the Local is still pretty fresh in YHC's mind, so the bar is set pretty low at the moment.

As for the tacos, YHC went with two of the $2 pork carnitas and, ever true to the Ramrod #TacoTuesday rules, one ground beef taco (aka the "Why So Serious").  The ground beef taco came in a flour tortilla, and was well stuffed, but was fairly mediocre on flavor.  I'll give it a 5/10.  The pork carnitas tacos came in double corn tortillas, and had good flavor.  I'll give them a 7/10.  YHC saw several other tacos on the other pax's plates that looked more interesting than YHC's tacos, and so YHC will definitely be returning to try some others out.

Another observation was that 3 tacos wasn't quite enough, and YHC wished he'd ordered one more taco.  4 is the magic number at the Ru.  YHC polled the other pax, and all were in agreement.  The pax who had ordered 4 tacos were satisfied, and the pax who had ordered 3 tacos were left wanting one more.

The last noteworthy part of the trip happened when the waiter brought the pax their checks.  Upon reviewing the checks, the pax realized that none of them were correct.  Across the board, the checks were missing tacos.  Although this seemed to be an error in the pax's favor, integrity took over, and Clubber called our waiter over.  Our waiter then proceeded to explain that the tacos were all buy-2-get-1-free, so every pax ended up enjoying a taco on the house.  Nothing better than an unexpected free taco.

After the surprise discount, overall score for YHC was a 7.5/10.

Great to have Fresh Prince join us today, and to have Wegman's from the Fort join us for the second straight week.  Hope he can bring more Fort pax with him to some future #TacoTuesdays.

Sound off below with your reviews!
