Adult Recess

Event Date

Jun 15, 2018


I will probably have to have an alignment done on my truck with how I rolled in on two wheels just in time today.  

Big Montana & Don Ho hot the loop that makes Emmaus famous.  While YSHC (your shirltless humble correspondent) paired up with Red October for a sandbag-beatdown.  

Red October still has an HTL to train for so sticking with him to make sure he is trained up properly is high on the agenda.  He shouldered the sandbag and we went to goose-poop hill on the otherside of the theater.

  • carry sandbag (the Judge) to the bottom of the hill. 
  • 200 walking seal claps
  • mosey back 
  • take turns with sandbag toss uphill and back
  • Bearcrawl up
  • Lungewalk down
  • repeato until 10 minutes remaining
  • drop Judge Judy
  • run .25 mile pick up Judge Judy
  • time hack back to coffee
  • time to spare… MARY

Topic: Are you the master of your domain?

  • Master of your domain does not mean task master; it means shepherd