Standard Hollywood fare


A Lucky 13 made it out for a standard Hollywood beat down.  Here's the show:

Warmorama:  Warmup run around lot, buttkickers, high knees

Disclaimer – hit all 4 points

20 SSH IC 
10 Imperial Stormtroopers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Merkins IC

2 single file lines for Indian Run, last man drops for 5 merkins and sprints to the front

The Thang:

Lazy Dora
100 merkins – Partner 1 does 10 merkins while Partner 2 planks.  Flip flop and repeato to 100, then the team runs a lap around the block.

200 Scissor kicks – Partner 1 does 20 scissor kicks while Partner 2 holds legs out in Homer position.  Flip flop and repeato up to 200.  Team runs a lap.

300 Squats – Partner 1 does 30 squats while Partner 3 holds Al Gore.  Flip flop and repeato to 300, team runs a lap.

Mosey to the rock pile:

10 Full curls IC
10 Skull crushers IC
10 Merkins IC
Move 3 rocks to the left

10 Full curls IC
10 Overhead presses IC
10 Merkins IC
Move 3 rocks to the left

10 Full curls IC
10 Bent over rows IC
15 Chest presses IC

Put rocks back and Mosey to parking lot for Mary

15 Rosalita – Deep Dish
10 WWII situp – Shooter
20 LBCs – Macbeth
6 Homer to Marge – Outsource

Not much Mumblechatter this morning; lots of focus on sharpening the iron.

Warmup was great, that is until we heard a big yelp.  Apparently Omega kicked poor Bailey on the first count of the Toy Soldiers.  
Bailey was rightfully hesitant to follow along the rest of the work out.  

Cracker Jack went without a partner and did all 100, 200, 300 on his own.  Strong work brother!

Shooter and Pinetar had a great conversation going, so much so that Shooter forgot to pick up a rock, forcing the PAX to hold Zamperini until he caught up… well done!

Welcome FNG Greg, courtesy of Omega.  Great mix of old timers and new faces.  Nice to see Moop Dog and Shooter back at HW.  


Hollywood needs Q's in the upcoming weeks.  Check out the calendar and step up.

Deep Dish