Iron Cross of SVU

Event Date

Jun 21, 2018


8 men posted to the Thursday SVU Standard.   Two were already on their backs when Q arrived, hoping there was a preworkout option, otherwise, they were just stargazing?

Warm-up: (note 0530 go time)


Mountain Climbers



Block retrieval from playground


The Plan: Iron Cross

   Run/Mossey/Walk the Iron Cross carrying 32# block over head

            Inroute – complete 100 Burpees


Extra Credit: Playground Fun

    Max Hold on Pull-up Bar

    Max Merkins




    Slow count scissors

    Dr. W’s


Reflection: “We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing”.   

— Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind   

    When you get stressed or overwhelmed, take a walk.  When you have a tough problem to solve or decision to make, take a walk.  If you want to be creative, take a walk. Nietzsche was quoted, “It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth”.  

        And if you’re going for a walk, might as well put on a ruck (how else would you carry your beer?) or pick up a large block of concrete to be your friend along your way.  It will never lie to you or whisper deceits in your ear.


Mole Skin:

  • PAX does not like slow count WWI’s

  • The second 5 burpee set, Clark thinks he sees a pattern.  It was much worse than he originally thought.

  • Shirley participated like he was from another planet, one that’s not affected by Earth’s gravity.  Beast mode.

  • Shirley was the only PAX to realize the faster he ran, the less time he had to hold up the block.

  • Clark nails a solid second on effort and placement.  Also provides interesting mumble chatter as distraction.

  • Dandelion is a year older and showing his age.  But his new mid-life crisis truck is super sweet.

  • Nice to have Hefty representing Mustang today.  He brought the Jeep too, but didn’t offer anyone to drive it.

  • There was some mention of Burpees from Tuesday, but Q wasn’t there.

  • 47 takes the WarDaddy. Mean/Mode/Median = 43-ish.

  • Enjoyed this morning.  Sound off in comments on missed mumble chatter.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb