Our happy place turned into a nightmare

After spending the weekend in the F3 workout design lab YHC thought we'd mix things up at the Chubby Buddha.  Often we find we don't like an exercise, we're tired, we're hurt or maybe someone is just being a half-a-sissy…in any event, we've all found ourselves thinking – "I'd rather be doing <fill in your favorite exercise>".  Maybe there was a way to build a happy place into our workout?  Maybe, just maybe, there was a workout like the fabled Big Rock Candy Mountain where kettle bells seemed to float like butterflies, where sweat rolled into rainbowed gumdrops, where grunts and air biscuits are replaced with the sweet song of the blue bird, where a man can airborne mind bender all day without a care in the world….

Warm up

Lap around the fountain

SSH's 20

12 IST's

15 cotton pickers

10 mericans and 15 Peter parkers

The Thang….here's the idea…each man got to pick his happy place…choices were a) mericans, b) kettlebell lbc's, c) kettle bell swings or d) kettlebell step ups.  Then each man picked his number of reps either 40 or 50 (double counts).  He was to do as many as the given exercise as he could and whatever he couldn't do he could go to his happy place and fiish the remainer to get to his 40 or 50.  Each man could also trade his happy place with another guy at some point….here's the sequence of exercises…



Kettle LBC's



Skull Crushers

Pull overs

Shoulder presses

Kettle step ups

….problem was no one wanted to trade their happy place with me.

After we went to Mary

LBC presses

WWII sit ups

LBC's (50)

It was a quiet workout since every man had to keep his own cadence and count.  We can make some tweaks but this'll pop up in the rotation again.  Given Lear had to spoon feed me coffee at NY Deli after it the workout seemed to hit the mark.

Thanks in advance to Big Mean for taken the bell next week!