Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?

22 pax braved the rolling hills of Stumpy Creek #TheGlen this morning as YHC tried hard to induce a case of splashing Merlot.  I cased the grounds immediately after the Wednesday bootcamp when @hummer bestowed upon me the privilege of leading this fine group.  Bonanza and Mushmouth plus FNG-1 Spencer also in attendance.

Standard ruckers were Frosty and Totebag and the morning runners were Contra, Loveshack, Nymph, Strutter, Usain, and Ladybug.  Maybe I should've warned in the preblast that we'd cover over 2 miles?


Mozy down the parking lot and mumble was heard that we could've done the warmup where we were.

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Windmill x15 IC
  • Strawberry picker x15 IC
  • Hillbilly x15 IC
  • 5 burpees since @Shambala hit the snooze once too many

The Thang:

Mozy to rock pile #1.  Curls, skull crushers, presses x15 IC with a 50 yard run up to the Great Fake Rock for 5 burpess in between each exercise.  Tried to switch up rocks but the Pax could neither pass OR step to the right so we danced with the rocks we brung.

Mozy to rock pile #2.  Walking lunges with rocks overhead halfway across the soccer field.  Gently set rocks down (we're good stewards of the facilities of course), run to the other side, broad jump burpees back to the middle, walking overhead lunges back to start.  

Mozy to rock pile #3 across 2 fields and to the bottom of the hill.  The mumblechatter is strong about the amount of mozying (sp?) at this point but we're only halfway!  Curls, skull crushers, presses x15 IC with bear crawl up the hill and 5 burpees at the top between each set.  @Chicken Little runs an extra hill due to premature downhill syndrome as pointed out by @Santiago.  

Mozy to rock pile #4.  Walking overhead lunges to crape myrtle (who knew there was an arborist in the group), drop rock, run to the end of field and back.  Walking overhead lunges to tree #3, drop rock, run to end and back.  Senator overhead lunges (without the lunge) to replace rocks.

Mozy to pull up bars.  Split into groups for 10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 lbcs.

Mozy to rock pile #5.  Curls, skull crushers, presses x15 IC with quadraphilia up the hill and 5 burpees at the top between each set.


  • Peter Parker x 20 IC (shoulda been 15 but the Q was reminded that he hasn't been to Q school yet so he tacked on another 5)
  • Box Cutter x15 IC
  • Parker Peter x15 IC
  • Cutter Box x15 IC

?Recover, recover precipitated by the fact that the Q was tired delirious and forgot his own F3 name!


@Cupcake saved me from the Wrath of Lear and led us in the Pledge after the workout.  Humbled as always to be a part of this group and thankful for @Brushless for the EH 4 months ago.  For those new Pax that haven't had the chance to lead a workout yet, step out of your comfort zone and take the keys…you won't regret it.

FNG Spencer either got out of bed late and forgot or ran so fast that he ran out of his shoes.  Lots of good name choices to work with on Slack.  

Prayers for Contra's mother-in-law and family as she recovers.  Prayers for Chicken Little's sister as she goes through a tough time.  Continued prayers for Ticktock's daughter and family.  And prayers for those unspoken needs that we all have.