Is that a Porterhouse on your pants or are you just happy to be at BRP on Saturday?

Event Date

Jun 30, 2018


One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one (it's the loneliest number since the number one), but THREE is a boot camp, my friend!

In no particular order:

  • Hustle twice around the field
  • 50 Goose-Steps
  • 50 Girl Fights
  • 30 Pirate Ships
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys
  • 2-Minutes Crucifix Plank
  • 40 Metronomes
  • 30 Breakdancers (Jersey Boy style)
  • 40 Wall Climbers
  • 60-Seconds Side Wall Planks (each side)
  • Hustle 'round the track to rock pile
  • 10 Karate Kids (one legged squats)
  • 5-Minutes Isometric Arm-a-Geddon  (holding in position: curls/shoulder presses/skull crushers).
  • 30 Dead Lifts
  • 20 Inchworms
  • 50 Bent Over Rows
  • 2-Minutes Home Stretch (rock stretching lower back)
  • 30 Bear Squats (on all fours with shins staying parallel to ground, rocking back toward heels, then up again)
  • 30 Little Baby Flutter Crunch Chest Presses
  • 60-Seconds Table Plank
  • 60-Seconds Table Plank with Rock
  • 40 Folding Tables (Triceps Dips from Table-Plank position)
  • 30-Seconds Upside-Down Plank
  • 30 Jacknifes  
  • 30 Oblique V-Ups
  • 30 Halos
  • 30 Egg Beaters
  • Upward Facing Dog (1 minute)
  • 20 Spider Man Merkins
  • 30 Metronomes
  • 30 Wide-Leg Sit-Ups

Recover Recover


We debated the relative merits of electric/hybrid vehicles and had just about solved global warming until we realized that we were two minutes late for the workout (first things first!)

Everything was as normal as it could be for a Jersey Boy workout until the Table Plank with Rock exercise where we have rocks on our stomachs while doing a table plank. Waffle House said it looked like a Porterhouse and Jethro said something about having the bone in, so obviously we couldn't let that slide.

Maybe back to fun and games next Saturday, depending on how things go on the fourth.