No blocks were injured in the making of Stonehenge!

Not listed: 98 degrees

FNG-1: Ella (2.0 of Hoodie)

FNG-2: Quinn (2.0 of Hoodie; 2nd post) who is now Yellow Card

13 brave including 2 offspring took on what was actually a pretty mild morning in terms of humidity. But there was no denying the suck. 



Circle up for SSH, carrot pullers, ‘Mericans, mountain climbers, toy soldier, IST


Grab a block and Zamperini to the soccer fields, circle up with your blocks to form Stonehenge!

OH press x10IC 

Mosey to the bottom of the first hill,

Air squats x10IC 

Mosey back to Stonehenge, 

Curls x10IC 

Ah, here’s where the kamikaze part come in. We repeated the air squats, then bear crawled to the top of the hill for Carolina dry docks x10IC.

Back down the hill, air squats, mosey back to Stonehenge, 

Skull crushers x10IC 

And now the suck begins to set in. We kamikaze’d with Monkey Humpers, Shoulder Touch ‘Mericans, Apollo Ohno and then at the pinnacle…..FIVE burpees OYO. 

We added Jenny on the block, block swings and bent over rows while visiting Stonehenge. 

Zamperini back to parking lot and rerun the blocks….recover, recover.

It was sooo much fun that we skipped Mary. 


1. Lots of mumble chatter, mostly in the first half, it slowed down after 0730.

2. The PAX did their best to convince YHC this was a 45 minute workout.  A+ for effort.

3. T-claps to Yellow Card.  He was the fastest guy on the field today.  Sorry 66!

Great work by everyone!  It was an honor to lead today.  Thanks to Turnpike for continuing the legacy at The Estate!


The Count