You Will Get Wet, You May Get Smoked!

Also in attendance: my 2.1, Creator, in need of a new nickname that doesn’t sound so high and mighty (now that he doesn’t play with Legos anymore).

Despite the threat of rain (and realizing we were just going to get wet anyhow), 13 men showed up at the elementary school this morning ready to get their swim on. Two claimed surprise that this would be a pool workout, but none left for drier AOs. At 0656 the standard disclaimer was given along with a request for softer voices and respect for the property, then we headed for the pool. On the way, we stopped for a coupon — a heavy cooler — which had the guys convinced they chose wisely on where to post this cool, cloudy morning. We stopped in the pool parking lot for a warmup after setting down the cooler and planting the shovel flag.

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Sumo Squat x10 IC
  • Cotton Picker x10 IC

Next we grabbed the cooler and moved inside the fenced pool area, removed our shoes and made our way to the kiddie pool. YHC felt it necessary to conduct a short swim test to make sure everyone was approved for pool activities.

  • Each pax take a turn doing one hydro-burpee in middle while
  • Rest of pax hold an Al Gore position until (and after) their turn

With everyone now wet, we could proceed to the main event. Ramrod went stright in the water while the rest of the pax waited for further instruction which involved heading to one end of the pool.

  • Squat/Merkin Ladder
    • Swim to other end of pool and get out
    • 10 squats
    • Back in pool for a lap to other end and out again
    • 1 Merkin
    • Repeato doing laps and climbing out of pool for squats/merkins
  • Flutter Kicks x30 IC on edge of pool
  • Muscle Ups
    • Partner up by height
    • Find spot along wall where you are chest deep in water
    • Partner A swims across short length of pool and back while
    • Partner B muscles up out of water to sit on edge. Hop back in water and repeato
    • Flapjack when partner returns. FIve rounds per partner 
  • Double Step Ups x10 each leg
    • Find a spot along the submerged bench seats
    • Step on to bench (about halfway below water line) then up out of pool
    • Return the way you came and repeato opposite leg
  • Muhammad Ali/Incline Merkin Medley
    • Find a lounge chair of your very own
    • Muhammad Ali on the end of the chair x15 IC
    • Incline Merkin on recliner x10 OYO
    • Repeato

YHC was trying to think what to do next when Gnarly Goat left. I thought maybe we had done too many merkins, but then realized in horror that the shovel flag had not been staked properly outside the fence and had fallen over. Major error on the part of the new MQ!

  • Burpee penalty for all, x10 OYO

I think it was Crimson who made a reference to a Jane Fonda workout earlier so I decided not to disappoint and moved on to the next stage of the workout.

  • Fond a’ Janes x25 IC each leg
  • Swim a lap (crowd pleaser)
  • LBC x25 IC
  • Dot the “I”s x15 IC
  • Airborne Mind Bender, 30 seconds

Recover, recover.

Soggy, Breezy Moleskin

  • Crimson was not aware a pool would be involved. I thought he was kidding when he said he’d just workout in his underwear. He wasn’t.
  • Omaha didn’t join us for the walk to the pool. He followed on his motorcycle, determined to take as few steps as possible on this non-running workout.
  • Speaking of Omaha, he has been waiting his whole adult life for an F3 pool workout. He was obviously in his element.
  • It was also obvious which pax have been training for a triathlon.
  • The Force would later comment that this was a tough 0.0 workout. I agree — ladders with a lap and climbing out of the pool each time left me breathless.
  • Ramrod is the classical “Little Johnny”. He found a Nerf football and tried to start a game mid-workout. When we tried to ignore him, he attempted a crotch shot during the flutters.
  • Jane Fondas or Fond a’ Janes?
  • It started to drizzle during the Fondas so we moved over to the sheltered area for BOM. I knew the pax wanted to stay dry. #SWIDT
  • The cooler was finally opened after name-o-rama and ball of man. The pax were not disappointed by its contents. In order of alcohol content: water, Mich Ultra, Yuengling
  • On that note, 8 cans of Yuengling free to a good home. First commenter willing to come over gets them.
  • Proud of Red Cedar for sticking to water as he wraps up week one of the Keto diet. YHC is proof that it works.
  • Cobains for the flag drop. Unacceptable behavior for the MQ. It will not happen again. 
  • Next week we return to St Mark for a Callahan beatdown. Old times are new again.
  • A few of us headed over to Waterbean for #coffeeteria. As we were leaving, GnarlyGoat and YHC had the opportunity to help a lady change a flat tire. It was a good day.