Mighty Jugs Visit Mighty Oak: Links Included

18 hard-chargers emerged in the gloom for gloom, despair and agony at THE MIGHTY JUG. (see link for visual of Pax).  As usual Toxic arrived with two large jugs of petroleum products from his garage.  (see link for visual of Toxic this morning) In this case he tried to goad the Q into carrying what appeared to be a couple of extra pounds.  Using his mad fighter jet RIO/WSO skillz, Topgun used density, relative humidity, weight and thrust ratios to determine that Toxic's jugs were indeed over the prescribed weight limits for safe launch and recovery, so the Q wisely stuck with his own platforms for which is checked-out and certified. (see link for Topgun this morning)

The pax assumed FLR (front leaning rest) for the morning's muster, instruction and inspection.  While in FLR we briefly slid into updog which threw Jazzhands into fits of ecstasy, and provided a suitable segue into our first (of many) sets of good Americans. 

We were soon off to for a juggy joggy serpenjug around the Big Balls.  Let's pause here.  Those are really big balls.  Why, pray tell, is this AO not named "Big Balls AND Mighty Oak"?  see link for Big Balls The juxtaposition of those items just seems natural, and it would be a great name.  Just sayin'.

Back to our normal programming:

We circled up for these types of things (and plenty of 'em):

Juggy straddle hops


Juggy soliders

Juggy squats

Juggy presses

Juggy curls for girls

4-count juggy lifts

Then we juggy joggied to other end of lot to partner up for juggy sprints and plank (one partner planks with jug on his back while other partner juggy sprints/jogs about 50 yds out and 50 yds back).  Flapjack. 


Next we took a mid-workout-mobility moment.  Again this threw Jazzhands into out-of-body ecstasy while everyone else just grunted.

I think we did some more stuff like juggy squats, curls, lifts, pressese, juggerini walking etc, and then it was time for the 15 round x 3 rounds. 

Juggy Webb ladder 1:4 ratio up to 6:24 and back down

Juggy Mary:  Juggy twists, Jug War II sit ups


Ye Olde Jugskine:

The Big Balls AND Mighty Oak is a great AO for many reasons, but most especially because it is remote enough to allow Jazzhands to fully emote.  I hope he is able to demonstrate how liberating that can be at his upcoming yoga vacation.

The 15th round is a smoker.  We had some great ring girls today.  Titan was undoubtedly the favorite.

Notable dialogue of the day: 

Jazzhands:  "Goat, your shirt has a blown apart bicycle on it."

Goat:  "Jab. Cross.  Hook."

So in summary, this morning we all ran around a parking lot with milk jugs.  We pretended to box.  Doesn't get much stupider than that. I know you're glad you were a part of an event that you can share with your loved ones at dinner tonight. 

Thanks for coming out.  Fe sharpens Fe.  Aye.

Gnarly Goat sends