Race City saved from a Suspicious Package

Everyhing stated below is not a real life situatioin.  Some names and locations have been changed to protrect the innocent.  Teton, Leaf Spring,Cotton Candy, Jumper were also in attendance but not on the website.  Thursday evernings OTB took a wild turn for the week of Rent A Cop.  I wanted to make this a little of a 1st F and a whole lot of 2nd F for the pax to have a great time hanging out and get some work in and a few WoRAC points in the process.  Rucks were encoraged to be worn but not required and I think almost all pax had a ruck.  20 guys in total gathered to complete the mission that was to be done. No weight requiremtns or equipment requirements.  Wed everning It was requested that the group appoint a team leader for this operation.  Loveshack stepped up to be the team leader.  Here's what the team had to accomplish and how they did it.  Loveshack was told that a bomb had been planted in the area and it was their mission to find the bomb with the clues that they were provided and move on to the next area to get the next set of clues.  At each new location their was a set of 4-5 exercises that had to be completed in oder to get the next set of directions. We started in the area of Salty Caper.  Our next location was the fountain by Auto Bell.  Next loaction was Hope Park and this finally led us to the "package" located in the dumbster area at Orthocarolina.  Upon retrieving the "package" it was carried back to the start location and after completing Mary the "package" was defused and unlocked and the pax discovered it was indeed of cooler full of refreshments for the pax.  We enjoyed a cold beverage or 2 after we finished and some stayed for the acutal 2nd F evernt that took place at Salty Caper and Ultimate Ales.  This was a great time thanks to everyone who participated and made this a lot of fun.