Hitting Our Stride

Event Date

Jul 17, 2018


10 speed demons (including Coin Toss not listed above) took to the mean streets of Robbins Park for 12x400s. This is their story:



2 laps of the GAGA long loop for a warm up

12x400m w/ 200 recover on #GetYaSomeGAGA loop

1 lap of the GAGA long loop for a cool down

Recover recover



  • Smokey smoked it…go figure
  • Welcome Coin Toss to the GAGA crew…strong work for your first post back in a while
  • Gypsy ran so fast that he HC to the Kiawah Marathon…Hoodie will prob join him
  • Professor & Turncoat appeared to be in midseason form this morning
  • Good to see 8 Track jumping in on some GAGA…strong work brother
  • Poptart & Big Montana tried to hang back until their speed took over
  • Fishing tournament 8/4 (inquire w/ T-Bone if you have questions)
  • BRR training is in full effect along with several fall marathons…jump in!
  • Awesome group of men this morning putting in some speed work. A bunch hit up coffeteria afterwards. Strong morning of 1st & 2nd Fs! Thanks to LFC for the EH over 3.5 years ago. Its always an honor and a pleasure to lead this group. Until the next time…