Excelsior ‘cause we can (maybe)

Event Date

Jul 28, 2018

*** plus Sparky (kotters not on website)


Pax of 9ish – 10 with Freeedom joining COT —woke up and posted for YHC’s first Q since I got a case of the 40’s and got hippy with it — and because they knew it would be a warmup to the Rooter beat down looming next. 

Warmorama: the usual suspect – SSH, Windmill, IST

That thang we do:

  • run a bit
  • found a hill so did a ladder with merkins at the bottom and LBCs at the top
  • ran again but in a downward direction
  • stop for mason twist and merkins
  • run more
  • stop for J-Lo and low flutter
  • run more but in upward direction because God made Huntersville that way
  • stop for slow squats and crunchy frog
  • run more
  • stop at wall for dips and incline merkins
  • run back to AO
  • hip circuit


Moleskin hot off the press:

  • A new day a new year, YHC got a great surprise when Black Eyed Pea showed up for a YHC led beatdown for the first time in 5 years. And left YHC with an obligation to reciprocate 
  • Hat tip to Turnpike for encouraging me to get out and Q again
  • Met 98 Degrees for the first time. Was wondering how he got his name but was too smoked at the end to ask. Sound off in the comments as I am still curious
  • Kotters to Sparky — Welcome back!  Posted a couple times in The People’s Republic a year ago. Now has seen the light to post in the Ville
  • Donate to Operation SweetTooth drive currently going on
  • Fishing contest next weekend. See T-Bone for the deets