1st Thursday Challenge – Rotten To The CORE

Posted but not listed:  Kong, 2.2 of Amen

Forecast called for rain and storms – 75% chance of it when YHC got under the covers at 11PM, just 6 hours before the launch of the 1st Thursday Challenge.  But upon awakening, there was no rain, no thunder, no lightening – those were, however, all replaced with additional humidity.  13 pax + YHC arrived to the AO in the gloom despite the thick air to see what might be new about this month's 1st Thurs Challenge.  As PBed, it would indeed be rotten to the core…  Here's why.

Gather, chatter, launch at precisely 0510.  Lap around the park and to the Home Court.

At center court, the disclaimer, followed by a brief warm-o-rama.

Warm-o-rama:  IST's x 15 IC, Carrot-pullers Tennessee style x 10 IC.  And that's all we needed.

The Thang:

In original 1st Thursday format, there would be 3 exercises, all begining with 21 reps each.  After completing the 21 reps of each and all 3 exercises, take a lap (0.2 miles) around the park and back to center court for the same 3 exercises, but less 3 reps.  Repeat, repeat, repeat, etc until the final set of 3 each and 8 total laps (including the warmup lap and the lap after the final 3 reps of the exercises.  The 3 exercises are "normal"ly 8-count Burners w/ rock, Merkins, Dying Cockroach.  The 3 today were…

WWII Sit-ups (single count)

Alternating elbow/knee Crunches IC

Dying Cockroaches IC

Mary (consisting of pax-called and cadence counted exercises (bicycle, box-cutters, J-Lo, Monkey Humpers, Maktar Ndyai, Low Flutters, painfully slow low flutter variation from Kong, and maybe more)).

The Challenging Moleskine:

Today the pax completed 84 WWII situps, 84 alternating elbow/knee crunches IC (thus 168 total) and 84 (168 really) dying cockroaches, just under 2 miles (YHC no longer has a functional space-watch to track such things) and THEN there was Mary.  You can have your Ms thank me for those washboard abs, fellas.  Travolta – I'll probably see your M early Saturday morning again…  

The pax appeared confused and doubtful when YHC announced gloves would not be necessary for today's Challenge.

Great to have Razor and Kachow! at The Wilderness today.  Razor confirmed this was his first post at this AO – he lives just up the street so we look forward to seeing him weekly.  Didn't get the chance to chat much with Razor, but it was good having him as well – at least from what I saw of him.  He was always well ahead of me…

Ultraman and Megaphone, both nursery one another – I mean injuries – grabbed rocks and did 8-count burners while the pax ran.  Excellent use of the time.  Oh the irony of seeing those men lifting heavy rocks while the rest were running…

Heavy on the core and running today, but alas The Cauldron is less than 24 hours away – bring your kettle bell or another heavy object and get stronger with The Count tomorrow 0530.

YHC went to bed expecting rain and no more than 3 pax to join me in the gloom.  Instead 13 arrived.  You men continue to push me and offer inspiration (and prespiration).  We all share a bond and accountability – that's what makes this work (along with the consistent backblasts).  Aye.