Hanging Tough

Event Date

Aug 04, 2018


7 men came out to help Skipper inflate his arms.



25 IC Tony Hawks

25 IC Low Countries

25 IC Cotton Pickers

Arm Circles

Mosey to the back – Partner Up

Hanging Tough (Elements of a Pull-Up):

Round 1:

Partner 1: Pull-Ups till Failure; Each time you fail you swap with your partner 2 who is doing Burpees (4 Rotations)

QuadsYou'llFeelYA up Big Hill

Round 2:

Partner 1: Flexed Arm Hang till Failure (Top Part of Pull-Up); Partner 2 = Burpees (4 Rotations)

QuadsYou'llFeelYA up Big Hill

Round 3: 

Partner 1: Slooooooow Negative Pull-Up Returns (Middle Part of Pull-Up) till Failure; P2 = Burpees

QuadsYou'll FeelYA up Big Hill

Round 4:

P1: 2-Armed Hang (Bottom Part of Pull-Up) till Failure (4 Rotations); P2 = Some Mary exercise OYO


Monkey Pull-Ups (Kick your feet over the opposite bar and hang, half-pull ups with upper body)


My church has been talking about "The Offseason".  Specifically, what do we do in our offseason?  NFL, NBA, etc. all have official offseasons.  And what do players do in their offseason? They strenghthen, they tear down their bodies to build them up.  They get ready for next season.  Well, unlike them, we don't have an official offseason in our everyday lives.  But we do have "pauses".  Times when things are going well.  We are not being tested.  What are we doing to strengthen ourselves during those times to deal with the "not so good times" that always come to challenge us?  How are we using our offseasons to grown spiritually?


 – No weapons of Biomass Destruction were released to my knowledge today by Cheetah. However, he did leave the pull up bars a lot stickier, and I'm just going to leave that right there.

 – Anvil is a beast on the pull-up bars, I think he is still there actually.  

 – FNG is Hooper, Shredder's 2.0 who killed it today and did it with a smile

 – Metro comes in "fashionably late" and then asks YHC where "I've" been.

 – Apparently, Cheetah likes Theuss' calves

 – A LOT of talk about Anvil's bathing suit choice for next Saturday.  Probably not going to be 2.0 friendly.

 – Very humid today, sweat was very Abrams-like

 – Sorry I've been gone the past week, I'll be F3-light for the coming month leading up to BRR.  It was good to work my upper body today as I was getting lopsided. 

 – YHC sadclowned it at Cabellas after.  Mustang hit Chic-Fil-A — SHOCKER; Ziploc, I get double 2nd F points for that right? 

 – Honor to Lead and be Led by you gentlemen as always.