Stealth ‘Plan B’ – don’t wake the neighbors

Event Date

Aug 07, 2018


7 strong for early shift (adding Sandbox to list above).  After warm-up, mosey to LNCS for 3 rounds of pull-ups, merkins and dips with run around school along the way.  No lights at LNCS so very dark. Mosey to top of Spring St. After heads-up from Genghis on waking the neighbors last time, quickly moved to plan B to run portion of Cane of Pain with squats and monkey humpers at top and bottom. Finished with more pull-ups and decline merkins and then back to Green for Mary.  May be too much BRR training as I struggled with last set of pull-ups and declines. Spanarkel always an inspiration with his energy and '2nd F'.  Thank you Riptide for closing us out with great message to start our day.