Body and Mind Stretch

With fellow BRR teammate Frogger Q’ing at The Estate and Jersey Boy’s “bribe” with OST matching gift at BRP, there were lots of great F3 options for a Saturday morning in August in LKN.  Still, 10…wait Kid Rock comes screeching in at 7:02 to make it 11 hard chargers proved they could push to the boundaries of the AO and demonstrate knowledge of August 11th trivia. YHC’s very first post was at Might Jungle launch in February 2014, so it’s always great to return to where it all started.  


·         Mosey lap around parking lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karioka

·         SSH x 20 IC; Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC; Cotton Picker x 10 IC; Mountain Climbers x 20 IC


·         Run/Mosey to Copperhead Hill

·         Merkin time-bomb 7:1.

·         Run/Mosey to playground at Sagefield and Chadsley in MacAulay

·         Grab some playground border for: Shoulder Dips x 10 IC, Incline Merkins x 10 IC, Dips x 10 IC.

·         August 11th Trivia #1: Johnny Bench had his number retired by the Reds 8/11/84….what number did he wear? Pax did not have correct answer (5) and got repeat Incline Merkins x 10 IC

·         Run/Mosey to Stumptown Rd. roundabout for pain clock

·         1 ¼ laps each for 10 Scorpion Dry Docks per leg, 10 WWII sit-ups, 10 hand-release merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers.

·         Run/Mosey to Copperhead Hill and partner up SDNM for ladder

o   P1 runs to top of Hill (T-claps to Toxic for quadriphilia) and does 5 burpees while P2 does Air Squats AMRAP

o   P1 returns to bottom of hill for flip-flop

o   4:4, 3:3, 2:2, and 1:1

·         August 11th Trivia #2: John Daly won the PGA Championship 8/11/91….how many wives has John had? Pax correctly guessed (thanks Firestone) answer was 4 and avoided more burpees.

·         Run/Mosey to St. Mark School wall for:

·         People’s chair x 90 seconds w/ 20 air presses, BTTW, Curb kickers x 20 IC, People’s Chair x 60 seconds w/ 20 air presses

·         Run/Mosey to St. Mark Church entrance stairs w/P1 in one line and P2’s in the other line:

o   Both lines bunny hop (1 per step) up the stairs w/3 diamond merkins at top

o   Bear crawl up the stairs w/3 diamond merkins at top

o   Both lines bunny hop (1 hope per 2 steps) up the stairs w/3 diamond merkins at top

o   Crawl bear up the stairs w/3 diamond merkins at top

·         August 11th Trivia #3: Charlotte Coliseum opened 8/11/88….who was not a member of the original 1988 Hornets roster (Choices: Muggsey Bogues, Dell Curry, Kurt Rambis or Alonzo Mourning?) Pax correctly answered Alonzo Mourning (Ultraman) and avoided more merkins.

Mosey back to COT for MARY

·         Homer to Marge x 5, Jo-Lo’s x 10 IC, 3 burpees OyO (Shaken), LBCs x 20 IC, Glut Bridge x 15 IC

·         Recover-Recover


–          YHC’s Garmin had 4 miles, but Ultraman’s said 3.0ish. So, we’ll split and call it 3.5 miles and that qualifies as “Running with Pain Stations” workout. Blackbeard has officially hit his quota for running work outs for the remainder of the year.

–          Good to see Toxic and Kid Rock work out their Ohio-Michigan differences and form a successful partnership on the burpee ladder. Sorry YHC had to interrupt their bro-mance with a work-out.

–          Crimson, Firestone, Top Gun, Rocket, Knock-out and Ultraman were light on mumble chatter, but strong on calling cadence and knocking out the merkins.

–          Shaken made a nice attempt to distract the Q during trivia, but learned YHC stops for no one.

–          “Exercise”….did you hear that Blackbeard? YHC heard the chatter, but just kept pushing because he cares about your fitness.

–          Thanks for allowing YHC to have a little fun with August 11th trivia… easy to research with a few minutes and 21st century technology thanks to Google.

–          Prayers for The Force’s son as he undergoes ankle surgery and recovers.

–          Blackbeard’s Week of The Pirate (WoTP) next week…all you non-runners better show to know and get that patch!

–          Four weeks to BRR…time to get your run on, but keep those soccer arms in shape, too.

–          Thanks to Blackbeard for the privilege of leading at this great AO and letting YHC have the keys for a beatdown.


