A very easy workout at Excelsior 11-Aug

Event Date

Aug 11, 2018

Apologies for the late Backblast.  Here is what we did at Excelsior:

0602:  Late start, as RR10k runners were still coming in.  Who among them will stay for Excelsior?  98 Degrees will!

We set off on a slow-ish 2 mile run.  We stopped at various points in the Carrington Ridge neighborhood, including YHC's house.  We did:

  • Calf raises and stretches
  • Hand release Mericans x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Swing crunches x 10 OYO
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • More squats
  • Plank walk around an island until interupted by a car
  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO followed immediately by Knee-ups x 10 OYO
  • Australian pull-ups
  • Lots of strecthy things
  • May have left some stuff out
  • Low flutters x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  Covered 2 miles at a 2nd F pace.


  1. The other 3 men would stay for Frogger's beatdown at The Estate.  Great job!  YHC could not stay as I had my 2.1 solo.
  2. Congrats to 98 Degrees for his first #TripleDown.  Beast!
  3. Thank you Snake Eyes and everyone for the mumble chatter and putting up with what was an admittedly light workout.  Focus was stretching more than usual.

Until next time, Turnpike.