Local Redemption

11 uptown pax, including Wegmans and Drop Thrill – both of F3 Fort Mill – decided, after a long and deserved hiatus, to give The Local a go on #TacoTuesday.

The returns were positive.  It was a redemption for The Local which, although past experiences will not be forgotten, YHC feels should land it back on the list of (semi-)regular #TacoTuesday stops, at least while such stops are comparable to this most recent stop.

YHC and Roadie arrived around 11:55 to find SweetC already anchored in at one of the long high-tops.  We were joined shortly by Omar, and then by Blowout and Mortimer.  The first sign that this experience was going to be better than our last few trips was that our waitress darted right over, took our drink orders, and had the drinks on the table before Wegmans, Drop Thrill, and Moby Dick had even arrived.  For comparison's sake, YHC never received his drink during our last trip.

Our waitress quickly procured drink orders and drinks for the additional pax, and then took our orders.  YHC went with old trusty – 3 x ground beef.  However, YHC did notice that there was a Korean BBQ taco on the menu, which did not seem familiar.  Was this newly added?  Or was it always on the menu, but just not one of the $2 options?  Did anyone order this taco?

Anyway, some time after orders had been placed, around 12:20 or so, a first timer to uptown #TacoTuesday suddenly made an appearance – Swing State!  He's now working out of a building near Trade and Tryon, and was able to break free to join the pax.  Great to have you, brother!  Hope you can continue to make it out when not in Atlanta (or otherwise out of town) for work.

Swing State placed his order just as the food began to arrive to the table – maybe 12:25 or so?  Not bad.  Ground beef tacos were about how YHC remembered them – overstuffed, pretty good value for $2 apiece.  The pax have been to many other #TacoTuesday spots where the tacos have been tastier, but one thing The Local does do right is give you a good pile of filling in each taco.  At many spots, 4 is the right number of tacos, but 3 is certainly filling enough at The Local.

Swing State's tacos came out before YHC had finished his 3rd taco, which was good to see.  All in all, service was respectible.  Not Que Onda quick by any means, but good.  And our waitress was solid – friendly and a hustler.  I'd only half finished my first drink when a second drink was placed in front of me.  And got all of our bills processed quickly and correctly.  And didn't even charge for my drink.  The pax were walking out the door around 12:55.

Great to meet Drop Thrill and have him join us today – thanks to Wegmans for bringing along his Fort Mill pax brethren for the second week in a row.  Hope to continue to have Fort Mill pax join us for this tradition.  Also great to have Roadie's BIL, Blowout – of Mooresville area – join us for the first time as well.  Always enjoy meeting new pax, especially over tacos.
