BRR Training

Event Date

Aug 16, 2018



7 Minutes max burpees 


Mosey to the back and get a block, take block to the bottom of the big hill

Suicide up the big hill with 5 checkpoints

20 Block Curls IC

Suicide up the big hill with 5 checkpoints

15 Skull Crushers IC

Suicide up the big hill with 5 checkpoints

15 Shoulder Presses IC

Return the blocks



Proverbs 27:1

Do not boast about tomorrow,
    for you do not know what a day may bring.

Don't be so caught up planning for the future that you forget about today. We are not guaranteed to have a tomorrow. When you time is up you time is up. Enjoy the beauty if life today and make the most of your time. 


-The seven minutes of burpees was a crowd favorite. Need to make that a standard. Gecko pulled an “SVU” and showed up 6.5 minutes late so he only received 30 seconds of burpees. Lucky….

-Didn’t see any runners out today. Rest day?????

-Still need a few more HC’s for the BRR (the real one, around the lake). Let zippy know if you got what it takes.

-At least I didn’t make you take the block with you on the suicide. You’re welcome.

-FNG's are Strudel and Dreamweaver. Not sure why they arent on the site. Maybe I just couldnt find them. 

-Feel like I am missing someone. If I missed you sorry. Memory isn't what she used to be.