Foundry Fun Friday

Event Date

Aug 17, 2018

1 for ~3 mile solo standard (YHC) and 6 for fun and games…



Mosey back to pull up bar area

10 X Toy Soldiers IC

10 X Windmill IC

10 X Cotton Pickers IC

CSAUP Alert: Cobra stretch, while in Cobra think of a favorite “clean” curse word or phrase (ex. Dang it!).  Up to plank, first person uses their “clean” word in a sentence, then group does 2 Merican’s IC.  Go around the circle until complete (12 Merican’s IC total).


The Thang

Mosey to basketball hoops, where YHC placed two basketballs from home.  A pink and purple one from my daughter and a Homer Simpson ball I won in Universal Orlando by hitting four shots in a row at the Simpson’s ride…just sayin’.


2 rounds of Knock Out…I think most people know how to play so won’t go into a detailed explanation.  Once you were knocked out start Mary exercises.


Mosey back to the cinder blocks for some lifting

10 X Curls IC

10 X Squats

10 X Upright Row IC

10 X Bent Over Row IC


Next event…kickball!  Everyone took a turn to pitch and kick with the rest in the outfield.  If the ball was caught, catcher’s choice on the exercise.  For a drop, Round 1 was Burpees and Round 2 was Hand Release Merican’s.  Home run was past the bushes and required a hot lap around the parking hot.  It went something like this:


Round 1:

5 Burpees

5 Burpees

5 Burpees

20 LBC’s (Brownbag catch)

6 Burpees

7 Burpees

Round 2:

10 Hand Release Merican’s

10 Burpees (Q-bert catch)

10 Hand Release Merican’s

10 Squats (Fescue catch)

10 Hand Release Merican’s

Hot Lap (Brownbag dinger)


Next game, volleyball!  Used the pull up bars as the net; goal was to volley over the bars at least 5 times.  If not achieved everyone did 5 pulls ups…and we did a lot of pull ups.  After a while took the volley goal down to 4…then 3…then 2 where we finally made it up to 5!  Celebrated with 20 LBC’s OYO.


Finished with some block work:

10 X Lawn Mower each arm OYO

10 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Squat Press IC



Homer to Marge in honor of the Homer ball

20 WWII’s from Tuck


Recover, Recover



– Thanks to everyone for coming out and having some fun, all put in 100% and were good sports.  Turned out to be a decent work out too, may make another appearance at a future Friday!

– Everyone followed the rules coming up with a “clean” word and sentence.  Although Q-bert gobbling up a bowl of “frosted nuts” was on the fringe.

– Tuck has some hoop skills!  Won Knock Out the first round and was runner up the second round. 

– Brownbag showed off his kickball skills with the catch and a monster kick to finish off.  Official WAKA ball too (World Adult Kickball Association).

– All activities worked well but I believe the fan favorite was volleyball.  Communication…communication…communication!

