Friday Swole Factory

Event Date

Aug 17, 2018

10 dudes with big arms met and faced an uphill kettlebell challenge

0530—Disclaimer and Let's Go!


SSH (IC) x 15

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 15

Hillbillies (IC) x 10

Get in Plank position, right arm up, down, left arm up, down, low plank, recover

While in plank the PAX were given a notecard to jot down their favorite KB exercise. They were advised there was a chance they would not be performing said exercise but everyone else would so they could take a chance and deal out some pain if they so chose to.

Modified Parking lot lap

Partner up—PAX A heads out clock wise running while PAX B heads counter clock wise with KB. Once they meet PAX A takes KB and keeps heading towards launchpad, while PAX B now runs the remaining distance clockwise back to launchpad, so all get a full lap.


PAX line up in parking lot facing the hill. We will perform the prementioned exercises decided on by the PAX. The timer is the last station which is (1) 20 lb weight vest, (1) 30 lb ruck sack, and (1) 30 lb kettlebell where each PAX will takes turn lugging these all up to the top of the parking lot and back. This came out to be ~1 min 30 secs of KB exercises give or take.

Not in specific order…

Lawn Mower pulls

Overhead Press


Turkish Get ups


Clean & Press

Bent over Rows

Squat Thrusters

Skull Crushers

Squat Thrusters

Time for one more…American Swings

Next up

Bear Crawl with KB pull halfway up the lot, Crawl Bear with KB pull back down-American Hammers until 6 arrives

Lunge walk with KB Allen Iversons up the hill, Reverse lunge walk with Allen Iversons back down

Inch Worm with KB pull up the hill, Zamparini back down-KB hold above head until 6 arrives

Back to Launchpad

MARY-with KB

LBC (IC) x 10

Low Flutters (IC) x 10

SLLOOOWWW American Hammers (IC) x 10 -#CrowdPleaser


James 1: 2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Everyone has something that they are dealing with whether it be mental, physical, spiritual, etc. but rest assured HE has a plan for what the outcome makes of you.



pray out


-Felt good to get out and Q as it had been a while. Tried something a little new as it was the first time YHC didn't have a weinke. #WingIt #StepOutOfYourComfortZone

-It was great to have some East Lakers visit us this AM. Auto/TC, please note that there will be some extreme upper body swelling sometime today. Good luck at BRR guys!

-There were reports of a Merlot Splash which I've been told may due to that yummy 3rd IPA last night.

-ShortBus commented that the ruck sack was lighter than his kid's backpack. Sounds like a HC to next years AO2AO ruck!

-Seems to be a Jeep Club forming at Mustang now with Mater, Stitches, Kascinski, YHC, Fabio, and even Auto joined in this AM. Scope did ask if a certain "Barbie Jeep" really counted?

-Can't seem to make Crawdad sweat. Dude just kills it no matter the workout. #AreWeSureHe'sNotAProfessional?

-Good to have Clark out at SchoolBellz. Rest those calves up bro.

-Pretty sure a few of us were given HC's at the Dry Pond Run from some "C"ertain PAX members. You were missed brothers.

-See Clark's note about the Q schedule being opened up to the PAX. Get one while you can!

-Next week is the last week for the School supplies collection for Operation Sweet Tooth. If you feel led, bring a bag or some cash to a workout next week.

It's always a pleasure to lead and be led by this group.
