“This is a Big Building”

Event Date

Aug 21, 2018


Four Davidson Faithful showed up for an AES run over to Baker Sports Complex for some laps around the building with stops along the way, plus some stadium work. 

Started at Bars with 10 pullups, 20 dips, 20 squats and 20 pushups, ran to Balls in front of Baker for 20 incline pushups, 20 decline pushups, 20 squats, ran to far corner of building for 20 squats and 10 burpees, then back to Bars.  Decreased number of reps by 2 for next two laps then finished with a fourth set/lap including 10 pullups and various numbers of the other exercises as we made our way back.  Oh, and we stopped along the way to do the majority of a stadium snake but had to cut  it a couple sections short due to time.

Highlights of the workout were: 1) running into Crude and Canuck walking the track. Canuck had heart surgery about a week ago and it was great to see him out and about! And 2) Spanarket continues to inspire us all with his determination and endurance at age 61 – nice work out there brother.

Riptide can take credit for the backblast title as he pointed out a rather obvious but important fact as we were circling Baker: " this is a big building."  And Genghis deserves a day off after telling me he had to lie down on the kitchen floor when he got home as the dogs checked him for vital signs!

Nice work by all thanks for coming to the Tuesday AES at 5:15!