7 PAX came out on a crisp cool Thursday morning. No one was complaining about the nice cool weather, but shortly after the warmup as we started to jump into the Thang, there was a sharp, pungent odor, almost as if a nearby skunk had just sprayed something. All PAX remained in the clear so we continued on with the workount. Then we got another wiff of it while running…then again. Eventually we realized that our fury companion Baxter was the source of the stink. He didn't seem to mind, but I'm sure Bam Bam had a fun ride home/morning dealing with that!!
Warmorama: Short mosey, circle up for SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Squats and 'Mericans.
The Thang: We kept it simple but effective, three rounds with decending reps (12, 10, 8) Pullups, 'Mericans, Squat thrusts, kettle bell swings and curls (w/ kettle bells as applicable). Added dips and WW2 situps on second round. After each round we ran a big lap (3 laps total). Once complete we finished off with some deadlifts and mosey back to front of the church for Mary.
Mary: (all 15 reps IC) LBC's, Heels to heaven, Crucny Frog, low flutter X2, jane fonda, pretzel crunch.
Moleskin: All in all it was a fine morning. The PAX all brougt it hard, it was nice to have some respite from the heat. Our thoughts and prayers went out to Baxter, praying his mom will let him back in the house after is run in with Pepe le PEWWW.