We Made the Team!

Event Date

Aug 23, 2018


Tweetsie and Etch-A-Sketch ran the Standard.

Caboose and YHC took a hiatus fro Dragon Slayer to come visit Tweetsie at the Varsity.  It's an amazing AO with lots of options.  We used a few…



  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • SSH
  • CP
  • TS
  • Arm Circles

The Thang


  • Curl 15 IC
  • Skull Crusher 15 IC
  • Overhead Press 15 IC
  • Upright Row 15 IC

Bus Lines

  • Merkin Suicides: 8 lines… Start with 1 Merkin on the first line, increase by 1 each line up to 8.


  • Repeato of the last set

Curb Work

  • Rocky Balboa 20 IC

Bleacher Work (Bleachers next to the new JMA track)

  • Box Jump Burpee 10 OYO
  • Bulgarian Split Squat 10 R/L

Stair Work (Stairs up from JMA track to school)

  • Quick Step up, mosey down the handicap ramp
  • Right Leg up, mosey down the handicap ramp
  • Left Leg up, mosey down the handicap ramp
  • Bunny Hop up, mosey down the handicap ramp
  • Lunge up R/L alt, mosey down the handicap ramp

Track work

  • 1 lap around the JMA track

Curb Work

  • Plank Jack 20 IC

Wall Work (wall next to parking lot with large metal rail on top)

  • Over and backs  5 OYO
  • Preachers Chair w/ Air Press
  • Dips 10 IC


  • WWII Situp 10 IC
  • Low Flutter 20 IC
  • Low Dolly 10 IC

Thanks for letting me take the keys Tweetsie!
