Running Late at Hot Taco

9 of LKN's finest returned for an encore at one of the PAX's favorite #TacoTuesday spots, Hot Taco (200 E. Bland).  The theme of the day proved to be running a bit behind schedule.

YHC was excited, as this was my first trip to the fabled taco spot and expectations were high.  In what proved to be an omen for what was coming, YHC caused a bit of a stir when running late for the ride over.  Earlier in the morning, Turncoat graciously offered to let me squueze into the clown car heading over and explained he was picking up Roadie, Sweet C and Ramrod at exactly 11:52.  YHC's meeting ran a bit over and at 11:55, I was still sitting at my desk.  As I stood up preparing to make my way down to the Light Rail, thinking i had missed the ride, YHC had a text from Sweet C asking if I was still heading to the meeting spot.  OOPS.  After hustling down and hopping in the car, we were on our way.

We arrived at approximately 12:05 to find Bouncey House, Gnarly Goat, Mortimer and Mona Lisa already seated with chips and salsa already served up. Hot Taco has a full $2 menu on Tuesday and while drinks were on the way, the discussion quickly turned to figuring out the "right number". General concensus seemed to be ~3-4; unless you're Mona Lisa in which case the right number was 10 (note: not a typo).  YHC went with Carne Molida, Carne Asada, Bang Bang Fish and Picante De Cerdo (which has a Pork Rind dust topping (seriously, who's turning down anythng with a pork rind dust topping?!?!).

Here's where it started to go a bit off track.  At 12:35, Mona Lisa took a look at the kitchen and made a comment that it looked like there was only 1 person behind the line preparing tacos.  After some serious discussion, it was determined tacos are the ultimate assembly line food and, in order to be efficient, there needs to be at least 3 people in the line; 1 for shells, 1 for protein, 1 for toppings.  At 12:45, we were looking at each other wondering who had a 1PM meeting.  Finally, at 12:50, the first set of tacos came out.  Turncoat, Mortimer, BounceyHouse and YHC were served.  Mona Lisa, Goat, Sweet C, Ramrod and Roadie patiently watched us eat delcious tacos wondering when the next wave was coming.  It was slightly after 1PM all PAX were finally served and, by 1:22 all were in the parking lot ready to head back for the afternoon siesta.

Tacos were solid, as was expected.  4 seemed to be a good number as YHC was sufficiently stuffed at about 3.5 tacos, and even Mona Lisa admitted to struggling slightly with his 10th.

Overall, another successfull(ish) #TacoTuesday with plenty of time for some BRR talk and solid 2ndF. 


