Hello Tuesday, My Old Friend

Pax not on the pre-populated list:  Deep Horizon and welcome FNG Jeff Bartosh (sp?)


Little mosey and then grab some blocks

Zamperini to the Fountain for some warmOrama

SSH X 100

Down dog


Slow Squat


Cotton picker


The American Push-up

The Curl

Overhead press

Block Squat

Mosey to the broken stairs and partner-up (of course)

Wheelbarrow up the steps; both partners execute 5 blast-off burpees atop, mosey back down, swap and repeat

4,3,2,1.  That was a little rough.

Mosey over to pull-up bars for a rest…

Partner up again for:

10 pull-ups while your partner planks, swap

25 partner sit-ups, swap

10 chin-ups while your partner planks, swap

25 partner sit-ups, swap

Mosey back to the blocks.  Walk them back as you curl/overhead press on the way



Thanks gents for posting

Hope Ultraman got the all-clear to run today.  Did you?

Travolta has the all-clear to run, but he wishes he didn’t. I hope that knee holds up for you at BRR, Brother

Welcome FNG Jeff. Way to hang tough today.  See you next time?

Atlas: was that you who pulled out in front of me onto 73 this morning?  If so, you’re a bad driver, dude!  Thanks for posting anyway.

Amen, sorry we didn’t get to MARY today.  I know how much you look forward to it.

Good turnout for Gladiator.  Must be the popularity of those Blast-off Burpees, huh?