Bite into Wednesday

10 men got a bite into Wednesday and parted with positive venom..


Bear crawl  / crab walk down side sidewalk


SSH x 20

5 step ups

Imperial Strom Troopers x 15
5 step ups
Donkey kicks x 15
5 step ups
Cotton pickers x 10
5 step ups

Mosey to side of church

Bear crawl up sidewalk and partner up…..
Wheel Barrel up stairs
Partner double sit-ups 20
Flip flop

1 arm air presses x 10 each arm

Mosey to bottom parking lot
Partner 1 runs one direction and other partner runs opposite, when you meet do 2 burpees then backward run and increase burpee’s to 10 switching backward and regular

LBC’s x 10

Grab a parking space…
Incline Merkins x 10

Bear crawl up hill and switch half way

To the fence…
Fence pull-ups x 10

To the picnic area and partner up..

Dips – 20 while partner does balls to the walls – reapato
Merkins x 5
To the hill…
Run up hill and partner helping hands  – 5 each arm back down and up flip flop
LBC x 10
Partner shoulder presses on the benches
Step up  – 10 each leg

Incline Merkins x 5

Mosey back to home base


Rosilita x 15
Dot the I x 15
Halo – x 5 each direction
Bulldog merkins x 10


          2 for a standard today, Toxic and Mayhem, great job men!
          Heard some moans about starting off with bear crawls to the nice little area behind the church. That was a pleasant surprise scoping out the AO this morning. Not sure it’s named but the first thing came to mind for me was the “Nuns Retreat”. Seems tucked away and pleasant.
          The PAX wanted to have an input on the parking lot to run around, wanted to send it to multiple juries to get a decision….you have to very careful or quick minutes start to chip away..they almost got me fully engaged..tricksie they are…
          Primo was so excited to grab his partners ankles…I didn’t ask much more…
          When it was time to dot the i with a Toxic led exercise, the pax wanted to know if we were going to subtract 4 or start at 4 for Ohio State….Toxic was little a quiet, which is rare…that Ohio coaching must be getting to him.
          As always, its’ an honor to lead. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the Viking, just another reminder for me to get out more, I appreciate all of my F3 brothers but it’s always neat when you see someone you haven’t seen in a while and it just reminds you how powerful F3 is. We all have these unique relationships from when we started F3, an event, you rode with someone, mostly talk to that person that day, ran a standard, both struggled that day, and  etc. the list just goes on and on; but it’s POWERFUL and I’m GRATEFUL  for F3 in my life!