Outer Limits Revival

Event Date

Aug 30, 2018

Don't let the numbers fool you, today was an epic revival and massive kick off of the newly offered Thursday Bootcamp being offered in TPR's favorite neighborhood, Summers Walk. I forget how many homes actually exist in this hood, but I do believe that the most recent census data supports that 100% of homes that include men include men who need F3 in their lives. No arguments there. 

Made a subtle, but important change to the offering: We have moved the meeting point from the front of the hood, to the dead center at the clubhouse. I did this for a few reasons, but mainly to:

1. Be more visible to the neighbors

2. Not deter new men who might not enjoy the mosey from the front of the hood to all of the attractions

3. It is closer to Pusher & Creeper

4. We can literally pray over the bus stop that our kids start using at 6:20 am

The Thang:

Warmup Stuff 

The real Thang:

Partner up

Partner 1 runs to the stop-sign-past-creepers-house while partner 2 does squats. Complete at 300 total squats. 

Mosey to four corners. 

Partner 1 runs the green, while partner 2 completes 200 Bobby Hurley's (Underutilized move here pax)

Mosey to rock pile

Curls, Crushers, Press 15 X 3 IC

50 Reps off all three OYO

Mosey back to the clubhouse

Mary & stretch. 

Recover. Recover. 

Good conversation with  Chicken Noodle who is really a great addition to F3LKN. Solid leader and solid father. Glad to have met him through Outer Limits. 


Swamp T.