The sea was angry that day, my friends… Not really.  It was hot, damn hot, like crotch pot cooking kind of hot, like jungle kind of hot.  

9 for the standard this morning- Rent-a-Cop, Motorboat, Six Shooter, Loveshack, Cupcake, Pierogi, Big Mean, CheeseWhiz  and Ladybug.  We ran three miles- a apparently an old loop, south on Morrison Plantation to Brawley School to Williamson, to 150 and back to AO to pick up the rest of the Pax.

The Thang

Pax had the option of a 4 or 5 mile loop.  No takers for the 5 mile loop, (I can't imagine why…).  The four mile loop consisted of Morrison Plantation > Capital > Singleton > Raceway > Gasoline Allley > Rolling Hills > Brawley Road > Williamson > back to AO.

5 Pax decided to bootcamp- Shambala, Cupcake, Chicken Litte, Totebag and Bookie. They looked like they enjoyed themselves as they came back breathing hard and sweaty.  


The course took out 3 Pax today, stupid sidewalk.  I'll make sure to write my congressman about the uneven payment and low hanging branches.  I'm sure they'll get right on it.

Prayers up for Mailman's foot.  His toe looks seriously jacked up.