9 Vikings tackle the 3-peato

Event Date

Sep 04, 2018


Baller also in attendance – we need to get him on the website!

YHC started out with no weinke and no firm plan, so the BRR runners made it clear they were on a taper.   So I didn't go too crazy with the legs.  Here's what we did:

Mosey into the park, circle up in the tennis courts parking lot.  

SSH x 15

IST x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Mosey to picnic shelter by soccer fields

"Sticky" step up x 10 IC each leg

Incline merican x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Jog a lap of the parking lot

Repeato, Repeato

Mosey to rock pile, partner up (one group of 3)

Partners complete 100 of the following, alternating runs to stop sign and back:


Shoulder Press

Horizontal Skull Crusher

Bent Over Rows

We followed that up with 8-count body builders (I think 11 or 12 — I'll explain)

Mosey back to church


WW2 Situps x 15

LBC x 15

Pillow Talk (8 IC left side, 10 right side, 2 left side)

Pretzel Crunch x 10 each side

30 second elbow plank

Recover, Recover



– Thanks to Scrappy for bringing the workout music — except for Meatloaf.  That's my all-time most hated song, and you managed to play it.  So I wanted to do 8-count body builders until it was over.  Did you know that's a really long song?  The rest of the music was good though.  Scrappy plays to the PAX…

– Toxic really likes to complain about the exercises.  But he secretly loves them.  Just don't ask him 😉

– The sticky step-ups got a little chatter.  It just means you keep your lead foot on the bench the entire time, then flipflop to the other leg after.  We didn't do pulses today — I figured with the BRR taper that would be poor form from the Q

– Somebody ran into Baller in the dark this morning and commented that it was like hitting a brick wall.  Was that you, Primo?

– Nice work today by all — it was a muggy morning, and we did a fair bit of intermittent running.  Hope you all enjoyed it!