1st Thursday Challenge – September Edition

Event Date

Sep 06, 2018

Let me know if I missed any pax in the list above…  pretty sure that covers it though.

With all the BRRers headed up the mountain, and I guess all the non-BRRers who usually post at The Wilderness must have been helping them pack or offering them words of encouragement at their launch location – because they certainly were not in the gloom this morning.

YHC was encouraged when at the top of my street Toxic walked by, and despite receiving no invitation, opened the door and hopped in for a ride to the AO (which was close to 2 full blocks away).  Burgoo had already HCed the eve before, thus things were looking up for great attendance on the day of the monthly challenge at The Wilderness, but alas – 3 would be our total pax count.

We actually waited 'til 0512 with hope, then gave up and launched (reluctantly) into Warm-o-rama.

SSHs x 15 IC, ISTs x 10 IC and we grabbed our rocks.

The Thang – same as every moth for probably 18 months now…

21 8-count Burners with the rocks, 21 Merkins, 21 Dying Cockroaches IC, lap around the park and back to Home Court.

Then 18 of the above, another lap.  15, lap, 12, lap… you get it.

YHC informed Toxic and Burgoo during our final lap that YHC wouldn't be whipping out my long, thick, black rope for just them for Mary today.  I'm used to pulling it out for more than 2 other guys at a time.  They understood and agreed.

And we were pressed for time, thus 2 minutes of Mary with each and every one of the pax calling 1 exercise.  As you could have guessed, Dot the i by Toxic was called x 10.  Burgoo busted out the Mason Twist x 20 (know the rules, Burgoo – 10 at a time during The Force's pax Mary!).  YHC ended the workout with intimate sit-ups since there were just 3 of us.  Gather close, lock ankles and meet at the top.  Dang those were harder than we expected…

No J-Lo's – is Amen on a BRR team again?  No Shoulder-touch-merkins – I do believe Snake Eyes is on a team.  Sweet C?  Ruffles?  Top Gun, 98 Degrees, Blackbart – all on teams?  Just checkin'.

Prayers up for the BRRers – we know you will crush it and represent F3LKN and F3Nation well.  Prayers also for Burgoo and his family as they have decisions to make with work and the potential for relocation.  Talk to God, listen to God – do this as a family and you cannot make a bad decision.  There may be no right or wrong decision here, just what God is leading you to do for you and your family, so just trust Him.